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#1170 Extract from Memory in Command Line

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: CommandlineExport
State: closed 

The GUI has a nice interface for extracting SWF files from memory. There's also an
"extract" command that will work for a file that is saved on the disk. However, there
doesn't seem to be a way to extract from memory from the command line.
It would be nice if the extract command had a flag to mark that it should search for the
passed-in exe name as a running process, and extract from there. Alternatively, passing
the process ID itself would work for my particular situation.
Assigned: →

Implemented, please try the latest nighly.
1) -memorySearch (<processName1>|<processId1>) (<processName2>|<processId2>)...
...Search SWF files in the memory
for example:
ffdec.bat -memorySearch FlashPlayerPlugin_xxx.exe
ffdec.bat -memorySearch 30584
State: new→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed