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#1228 §11§ left in the code
Author: user ytwangli
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

> What steps will reproduce the problem? Just open the file, and open the script :) > What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Decompiled source code has error. It has "§11§" identifier. > What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system do you have? 8.0.1 referer file : cloud_p2p.swf path : binaryData -> swf data -> scripts -> com -> acfun -> secret__3A__5C_flascc_5C_cygwin_5C_tmp_5C_cc26kqWd_2E_lto_2E_bc_3A_12d0d5d9_2D_7c46_2D_4fa 8_2D_84e2_2D_95d51e40b633 -> you will see "const §11§;"
Downloadcloud_p2p.swf (188 KiB)
"11" is not valid identifier for a constant (it starts with number) - it won't compile in any ActionScript compiler. But this SWF file will run in the Flash Player without a problem - Flash Player does not mind. FFDec marks this kind of identifiers with § prefix and postfix so you can then easily work with it in the FFDec GUI. See 14) in FAQ: /
State: new→upgraded
Thank you . My issue is fix.
State: upgraded→closed