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#1390 Improved filter when exporting
Author: user Lambda
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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State: new Help

I know this command already exists: -selectclass <classnames> ...selects scripts to export by class name (ActionScript 3 ONLY) <classnames> format: com.example.MyClass com.example.+ (all classes in package "com.example") com.++, (all classes in package "com" and all subpackages, class However, I have a swf with a structure like this: package1 package2 package3 org - package4 - package5 other - package6 I would like to be able to export all the packages except from "org" and all of its subpackages, for example. And the things is, the names of these are obfuscated and therefore changes with each build, so I can not just specify a name of all the packages I want.