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#1460 Replace all images button/ Import Images button
Author: user MasterWex
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: ImagesImport
State: closed Help

This is the one feature that I would absolutely love to have. It's frustrating when dealing with swfs with many images that you have to replace each and every one. Yes I know you can convert them to FLA but decompilation issues occur and it would be preferable if we could replace all images at once, similar to the "Import Script" and "Import text" button. I was under the assumption that JPEXS was basically dead but seeing the latest nightly patches I hope you can add this in a future patch. Thank you.
+1. very useful feature in some cases.
Implemented in nightly 2147.
State: new→upgraded
Thanks, any chance to make it work also using batch file/command line (that shown here "java -jar ffdec.jar -help").
Ok, commandline imports added in nightly 2343. New options: importtext, importimages, importshapes, importsymbolclass
Thanks again but I can't get it work - in GUI all work fine after mass images import/save/open again changed images are showing and another pointer that all OK is swf filesize changed after that. But when I'm doing it with command line it just changes modify date of swf file and size & images inside remain the same. I've tried this command 1st "java -jar ffdec.jar -importImages cvr_endings.swf cvr_endings.swf "G:\Club_Velve_Rose\images"" (overwrite same file, direct path to exported images folder) and that one "java -jar ffdec.jar -importImages cvr_endings.swf cvr_endings_.swf "G:\Club_Velve_Rose\" (new file, path to images folder as I choose it in GUI). No errors was also shown...
In nightly 2344, I added some messages printing while commandline image import. Please let me know what it prints. The correct command should be: java -jar ffdec.jar -importImages cvr_endings.swf cvr_endings_.swf "G:\Club_Velve_Rose\" (assuming images are placed in G:\Club_Velve_Rose\images\ - the way they are exported). This might be also SWF related, so it would be handy if you attached the cvr_endings.swf file.
Thanks, now I found and solved the problem! G:\Club_Velve_Rose>java -jar ffdec.jar -importImages cvr_endings.swf cvr_endings_.swf "G:\Club_Velve_Rose\" Source file opened Images directory does not exists: G:\Club_Velve_Rose"\images Looks like it doesn't handles well "\" at the end dir path. When I remove "\" all seems fine G:\Club_Velve_Rose>java -jar ffdec.jar -importImages cvr_endings.swf cvr_endings_.swf "G:\Club_Velve_Rose" Source file opened Importing character 1 from file 1.png Importing character 7 from file 7.jpg Importing character 10 from file 10.png Importing character 39 from file 39.jpg Importing character 41 from file 41.png Importing character 47 from file 47.jpg Importing character 51 from file 51.jpg Importing character 55 from file 55.jpg Importing character 61 from file 61.jpg Importing character 65 from file 65.jpg Importing character 69 from file 69.jpg Importing character 73 from file 73.jpg Importing character 78 from file 78.jpg Importing character 82 from file 82.jpg Importing character 86 from file 86.jpg Importing character 90 from file 90.jpg Importing character 95 from file 95.jpg Importing character 99 from file 99.jpg Importing character 103 from file 103.jpg Importing character 110 from file 110.jpg Importing character 114 from file 114.jpg Importing character 118 from file 118.jpg Importing character 122 from file 122.jpg Importing character 128 from file 128.jpg Importing character 132 from file 132.jpg Importing character 136 from file 136.jpg Importing character 140 from file 140.jpg Importing character 146 from file 146.jpg Importing character 150 from file 150.jpg Importing character 154 from file 154.jpg Importing character 158 from file 158.jpg Importing character 165 from file 165.jpg Importing character 171 from file 171.jpg Importing character 178 from file 178.jpg Importing character 182 from file 182.jpg Importing character 186 from file 186.jpg Writing outfile 36 images sucessfully imported
Java or maybe cmd.exe probably uses \ escape character in commandline arguments, so '\"' is threated as '"' character instead of end of quoted argument. I can't do much about it. It is safer to write paths with forward slash '/". It works in windows aswell. Or you can double the backslashes. Like "G:\\Club_Velve_Rose\\".
Yeah, with forward slash '/" works fine, thanks.
State: upgraded→closed