JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Issue Tracker

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#1470 No register or slot set
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: AS3Direct Editation
State: closed Help

> What steps will reproduce the problem? -Try to save some modification in some actionscripts > What is the expected output? What do you see instead? -Save the changes. -An error window. > What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system do you have? v11.1.0 stable Windows 10 > Please provide any additional information below. If the problem is related to a SWF file, attach it here, otherwise we can't help you. The error: "No register or Slot set for _loc4_ on line 139" appears when I try to save the modifications made to the script located in the directory: "scripts / SaveSystem / The same thing happens in other files.
This is fixed in current version - 14.0.0 (probably earlier)
State: new→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed