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#1528 Commanline -zoom option not working
Author: user JPEXSuser
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

Hi, I can export sprites from SWF file when I don't use -zoom option. But when I add -zoom option it gives the error. Screenshot attached. Also, I can use the zoom option without any error when I am in GUI mode.
I don't know whether you are still interested, but here's my reaction: Zoom 300 is 30000%, is this neccessary? Is your sprite somehow compressed that it's too small? It gives me outofmemory if I try to use zoom 300 on some standard sized SWF sprite. If it's now outofmemory, then I will need sample SWF file to look at this.
State: new→opened
State: opened→closed