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List of issues#1588 DoAction tag for a frame
Author: uranreactor
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: Adding script
State: closed
Is it possible to somehow add DoAction tag to a frame in an existing SWF file?
as far as I remember, it is not possible.
Adding new scripts/classes is not implemented.
(And we do not plan to add support, sorry)
State: new→opened
As I can see, it is possible to add DoAction tag via "others" - "add tag" - "DoActionTag",
but the tag in that case will be added to the latest frame in "scripts" section (so you
can add it, but not to any existing frame). If only this option would be available at
frame context menu.
Anyways, thanks for the answear and for the great software that I use for almost 2 years.
Adding new scripts is implemented in current nightly (1827),
use right click on scripts folder "Add script".
State: opened→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed
Type: question→feature
Type: question→feature