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#1609 First frame missing when exporting frames to PDF.

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed 

Open swf
Right click on the frames folder
Export selection
If I export to png, all frames are generated correctly. But if I export to pdf, the
generated pdf file is always missing the first page. I tried exporting different swf files
with the same result. Same problem when using the CLI to export the frames as a pdf, the
resulting pdf is missing the first frame.
If I open the same swf in flash player projector and print it as pdf, the first frame is
generated correctly.
Am I doing something wrong?
Product version 13.0.3 on Windows 10 pro, build 18363
I'll attach the only swf I'm allowed to share just in case. It has three frames listed in
the frames section. Exporting frames to pdf should create a pdf with two pages.

This is fixed in nightly version 1814,
try it.
State: new→upgraded
Amazing! That was too fast. I can confirm that now it works as intended.
State: upgraded→closed