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#1683 [Internal viewer] Flash preview executing AS

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: Script execution
State: postponed 

Flash preview (and animated sprites too) render frames continuously, ignoring any stop();
(and AS entirely, I guess).
Happens in all versions up to 14.4.0 for AS1/2 and AS3 flashes. Is it unimplemented
feature, rather than bug?
Another issue, not sure if related: only top-level timeline of a sprite is rendered, but
all sprites contained within are not animated.
Internal viewer has very limited (pretty unusable) experimental support of AS1,
it can be enabled in Advanced settings "AS1/2 in own flash viewer (Experimental)".
But most of the actions won't work.
"stop();" should work.
We do not plan to enhance it much.
The second issue is unrelated - it would be better to create separate issue for it -
please create it and attach sample SWF file with such sprite.
Title: [Internal viewer] Flash preview ignoring AS→[Internal viewer] Flash preview executing AS
Type: bug→feature
Type: bug→feature
State: new→postponed