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#1720 How to import text
Author: user NicolasC
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: ImportText
State: opened Help

How to import text to FFDEC? I can't do this, because the program didn't show me txt archives. When I click import text, I can't select any file, just folders.
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It's "Import texts" dialog, not "import text". You need to select folder which contains texts previously exported from FFDec. All texts which match tree structure of the SWF file will be imported. For editing single text you don't need to import anything - just use editor - select the text from the texts subtree.
State: new→opened
Type: bug→question
And if I want to import all the texts into a single text file, how do I do it? I can only export texts in a single file :(
BrickCrypt: I don't understand. You mean import all texts FROM a single text file? That's currently not possible I am afraid. We do not plan to implement such feature.