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#1739 SWC library

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: SWC
State: opened 

There should be a way to import the swc libraries. That would be very useful. I really
need to import a swc library in my swf file and idk how also i dont have the source code
of it. If i had the source code i would use FlashDevelop instead. The fla converter doesnt
extract the soure code so good and FlashDevelop cant read it so good.
Depends on what you mean by "import".
FFDec can open SWC files.
Also, if you open a SWC file A and then other SWF file B,
you can then setup ActionScript dependencies of B to A swf file,
for the compiler to correctly handle missing classes, etc...
State: new→opened
We need to have an importer for swc libraries, like use methods and classes from them
I think it can be done with AS3 dependencies as I said.
See this:
section "AS3 Dependencies selection".
You need to open a SWC file in FFDec, then you can select it as dependency.
This only links the dependencies, but when you save the SWF, It doesn't import the SWC
into the SWF. is there a way to import it to our SWF so we can access SWC features?
I also have the same question as sam. Importing it manually is a burden.