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#180 Exporting FLA... for ever
Author: user focus
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: FLA export
State: closed Help

Please take a look at the attached file. Try to export it to FLA. I see "Exporting FLA..." in the FFDec's status bar for a 10 mins already. File is not so huge so I guess it's a kind of bug around.
DownloadTest.swf (213 KiB)
Hmm, okay, but I don't see any file here :-). Are you sure you attached it?
Oh, sorry. Here it is.
I am sorry, there was an error in issue tracker with posting files. I have restored the file in title post (in other issues too).
Great, thanks! BTW looks like I found another file with this issue)
State: new→opened
version 1.6.5 was released. This should be fixed, try it.
State: opened→upgraded
Yep, exports now, thanks!
State: upgraded→closed