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#1812 Export to older FLA versions
Date created:
Type: feature
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State: upgraded Help

The "competitor" program *Sothink SWF Decompiler* allows exporting FLAs all the way back to version 6 / MX (as shown in the attached screenshot). I think it would be useful for FFdec to also allow export to older versions, especially as my use case requires working with older SWFs and Flash MX 2004. (I refuse to use Sothink as I cannot find a way on Windows to use it without installing the Chinese version of Flash ActiveX, which comes with adware/malware) I am willing to try to implement this feature. Could anyone give me any pointers to how the existing exporter code works, and how I might be able to find / reverse-engineer the specs for the older FLA formats? Thank you very much!
DownloadCapture.PNG (80 KiB)
State: new→postponed
In nightly 2897, you can export FLA to: CS4, CS3, Flash 8, MX 2004, MX, Flash 5.
State: postponed→upgraded