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List of issues#1814 Decompile a .as file from .swf command line
Author: readix
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Commandline
State: opened
i am trying to automate an extraction of two .as file from a .swf file.
With the GUI that is easy to do it. Open the .swf then select the files ( which are always
the same)
and then press export the selection.
I would like to do it in command line to launch this script with another. I tried almost
all the command but it didn't work.
Is that possible to do it ?
If it's AS3 file, then you can extract the specified classes with this command:
java -jar ffdec.jar -selectclass com.example.MyClass,com.example.SecondClass -export
script "C:\decompiled" myfile.swf
If it's as1/2 then there is no way to select scripts through commandline - you must export
all scripts in this case.
State: new→opened