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#1853 Is it possible to run multiple cmd line for ffdec to convert swf to xml?
Author: user nissanjp
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: XML
State: closed Help

Hi Is it possible to run multiple cmd line for ffdec to convert swf to xml? When I use swfmill.exe to do so for swf-xml, there is error in the second step for xml->swf. ffdec xml files are much larger than swfmill, can you check whether there is any chance to match small size as swfmill.exe.
You can run ffdec from commandline multiple times. To the XML format: I don't want to change the fileformat since many users surely have their XMLs exported this way and it would break the compatibility.
I found that sometimes, there is error when trying to use multiprocess to run 5 commandline windows at the same time. When there is only 1 process, there seems no error. But 1 process seems too slow, any good method to accelerate?
State: new→closed