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#1901 Double Click to Edit - Feature Request

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: GUI
State: closed 

Basically the title. It would be a very nice QoL addition to Double Click text to put you
in Edit mode, and maybe, Double Click (on empty space) to Exit might work well too.
Okay, it is added in nightly 2327.
You can enable it in "Advanced settings / Interface / Double click to start editing".
It has some downsides:
- Some of the items have more than one way of editation. Like placeobject tags. These can
be either raw edited or transform edited. Also scripts can be either script edited or
p-code edited. In such cases, no editation is started on doubleclick.
- Doubleclicking can be easily done by an accident. This is unpleasant as editing disables
changing current item. This is the reason I made it off by default.
- Also doubleclick in the tree currently has another function - to expand nodes which have
This avoids to edit for example DefineTexts which have CSMTextSettings as subnodes.
Or did you mean to doubleclick something else than the tree nodes?
I did not implement the "double click on empty space" to exit edit as I think user should
directively click "Save" or "Cancel" button.
Also tip for you:
You can enable so called "editor mode" in advanced settings so the textareas are editable
by default and the save/cancel button is enabled only when you change the text.
State: new→upgraded
Just tested this in version 18.0.0 and although the Double Click does initiate editing on
something like "PlaceObject2", it doesn't work on the areas of text you would be editing
(sorry if I wasn't clear enough).
Also, the Editor Mode tip sounds even better than the Double Click method, but I couldn't
get it to work.
The reason I wanted this kind of feature was to manually edit the Matrix data of a bunch
of PlaceObject tags.
Please try Editor mode in nightly 2355,
it should work for editing PlaceObject parameters too.
You can also enable "Advanced settings / Interface / Auto save tag modifications".
Tested on nightly 2360, Editor Mode seems to work as intended.
"Auto save tag modifications" seems to work too, except when you choose to manually save
with it enabled, it collapses the entire SWF file.
The collapsing is fixed in nightly 2361.
Awesome, everything seems to be working perfectly.
Thank you so much for your help, you're the best :)
You are welcome.
State: upgraded→closed