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#1913 Better way to raw edit Shapes and its properties

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Shapes
State: new 

So right now the way to raw edit a shape seems slow and tedious to do, you would
constantly have to go back and forth seeing the result of your edits and hoping you did
them correctly by only changing values. It would be nice to have some sort of visible
representation of the changes you do to a shapes bounds and records and line/fill styles,
similar to the new sprite transformation tool. So you can apply these specific changes to
see how it looks before saving it to the shape itself. It would save a lot of time and
make it easier.
Oh and if possible maybe have a way to show a tip when highlighting a different type of
shaperecord before selection giving the user a short explanation of what each type does to
give better context.
You can export shapes to SVG and edit them in your favorite SVG editor.
Thank you! I didn't realize you could do this. I was able to edit the shape I wanted and
imported back with the changes I did, correctly.
But this brings back to the question, I realized that when I choose to update the bounds,
it just sets it all to 0. Is this because the .svg doesn't carry this information once its
been exported? Or does ffdec expect me to import it back from the SVG Editor with the
updated shapes bound information? Either way I couldn't seem to find a way.
I thought I could try recreating the shape bounds myself again but adapt it to the changes
I made to the overall shape size. But when I do, the shape doesn't seem to position its
self correctly and will literally start glitching out while I play the swf, no matter what
values I think I put in correctly.
It would be nice to have that sprite transformation panel also for the shape bounds, to
give visual representation help.
Please try nightly 2387,
in this version, SVG export retains exact shape position (bounds) and after import, the
bounds are auto calculated.
(use "replace - update bounds" command)
Also in nightly 2389,
shapes transformations added.
Can't thank you enough! These features work great and help very much.
Though I did noticed once you exported the shape and open it, say into inkscape, the page
size is what the bounds are and the actual shapes is sticking out half way of the page
into the negatives, so for example your shape is 500x175 and the bounds are -250x0. I
guess this makes sense, since this is how it stores it bounds once its imported back in.
Even editing the bounds while in the SVG editor, it seems to correctly adjust once
imported, but when it couldn't, from my testing, I was able to just use the transform
panel to manually fix it, which was nice.
Will report, if I ever face any more issues or bugs with this in the future :)
I decided to remove feature "retain exact shape position during SVG export" in 18.3.2
because it was misleading to users (for example #1935).
If you want to change shape X, Y position on stage, you can use the Transform feature.
If you use "Replace - update bounds", then shape X, Y position is taken from the SVG
ignoring original X,Y.
If you use normal "Replace", then shape X, Y position is added to original X, Y position.
Bounds right and bottom coordinate is automatically calculated in both cases.
I hope it won't break any of your work.
Btw. you can also move shape points in current version (Edit points button).
I see. Would it be possible to move it to as a option? So in the Advanced settings, under
export tab you can enable 'exporting SVG, retains its shapes bounds'. But by default it is
off, so it doesn't cause any more confusion.
Also slightly off-topic, but I think I should suggest this also, Could you add the ability
to turn off the texture filtering? So when viewing any kind of image, sprite or shape, and
if you zoom in, the pixels are all filtered and it looks kinda bad, even when wanting to
adjust something.
What do you mean by "texture filtering"? You mean bluring, dropshadow, bevel, etc.?
Added the feature of retaining exact shape position during SVG export back in nightly
It can be turned on in Advanced settings / Export / Retain shape bounds during SVG export.
So what I mean by is, when the image is in preview and you start to zoom in you can see
its blurry and filtered with the neighboring pixels and the edges of the image are all
bleeding with the background color. So have it like in Inkscape where you can select the
'image rendering' from filtering to pixelated.
You probably mean bitmap smoothing.
In flash, there are two kinds of bitmap fills - smoothed and nonsmoothed.
The "blurry and filtered" is the smoothing.
If the shape fill is marked as smoothed, it displays this way.
So you basically want an option that will display all shape fills nonsmoothed, correct?
See attachment for comparison (left = nonsmoothed, right = smoothed)
Also note that in image preview (the actual image, not shape or sprite), it is displayed
as smoothed - maybe I should change this default to nonsmoothed.

"So you basically want an option that will display all shape fills nonsmoothed, correct?"
Yeah, pretty much like in the example screenshot you showed. Where all images, even
sprites and shapes that use images, are all non-smoothed in all previewers.
In nightly 2426 you can disable smoothing in Advanced settings / Display / Disable bitmap
Works great! Thanks again.