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List of issues#192 Rename invalid identifiers miss some invalid identifiers
Author: focus
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: DeobfuscationRename identifiers
State: invalid
Hey, please take a look blahblah xD Sorry, I'll try to b shorter in my next bug reports.
If you'll use Rename invalid identifiers on the attached SWF you'll see only 1 name was
renamed, but 2 others (obfuscated) are still there.
as3simple.swf (6 KiB)
"xXZBr71kl+L2gPa6" is invalid identifier, it gets renamed.
What other invalid identifiers are there in the file?
Other class names - "h0UmrKoAY2kCS2v9" and "Qr1gn7zHfwYVVISs" are valid AS identifiers.
They contain only letters or numbers and don't begin with number.
Yeah, you're right, both rest names are valid but still obfuscated... We talked about such
cases in terms of rename all feature request - rename invalid identifiers leaves such
valid but obfuscated fields untouched, this is not an issue if rename all will be
okay, I am closing this as invalid.
"rename all" surely will be implemented, but not here in this issue.
State: new→invalid