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List of issues#2011 Export frame as PNG with transparent background
Author: JustNao
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
State: closed
A lot of the SWL files I'm working with use a frame background (set from a
SetBackgroundColor tag). I wish to export those frames as PNG files, with a transparent
background, regardless of the SetBackgroundColor tag.
Is it possible to force a transparent background ? Or else, remove the SetBackgroundColor
tag through the CLI ? I saw with the -remove option that I could remove by ID, but I
cannot tell in advance the tag's position in the file.
I can fix the background manually (either with JPEXS in the GUI by removing the
SetBackgroundColor tag by hand, or by post-processing the image to detect the background),
but I need a quicker way to batch process a lot of SWF files.
Any help would be appreciated.
In the ffdec nightly 2011,
there is new GUI option to export frames with ignoring frame background (changes it to
On CLI there is also that option: -ignorebackground
State: new→upgraded
Type: question→feature
Type: question→feature
Sorry, it's nightly 2801, not 2011.
State: upgraded→closed