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List of issues#2039 Edit Devilish stylist
Author: Gamingdude19
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Type: question
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State: opened
Hi nice to meet you and also some of the pictures Has no RGB color on fillstyles because
im trying to edit the skin And i need help because im trying to figure how to change
angel's skin
Capture.PNG 4.PNG (94 KiB)
There is no RGB colors or color fill styles,
the angel drawing uses image as fill.
You need to expand the fill styles and you will see fillstyle[1] which is Non smoothed
clipped bitmap with bitmapId = 1379 (At least in my dev.stylist file).
You need to go to images section of the tree and then find image with id 1379.
(You can use Ctrl+G to go to character 1379)
dev_stylist_fill1.png (94 KiB)dev_stylist_image.png (159 KiB)
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