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#2052 Adding a class to the first DoABC adds it to the second DoABC tag + Automatic Deobfuscation issue
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

> What steps will reproduce the problem? Trying to add a class to the first DoABC tag will add it to the second DoABC tag regardless of whether you try to do add it via tag list or resource list and selecting the DoABC tag to add it to > What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I expect a class in the first DoABC tag but it appears in the second DoABC tag regardless of what I try to do. > What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system do you have? JPEXS FFDec v18.5.0 > Please provide any additional information below. If the problem is related to a SWF file, attach it here, otherwise we can't help you. I will provide the file just incase it is needed. I would also like to bring to your attention an issue with Automatic Deobfuscation that occurs in Menu/MouseDown where approximately 6000 lines of Pcode are not visible. These lines are visible outside of Automatic Deobfuscation. This number goes down to 3500 lines after removing dead code, and then becomes 3000 lines after removing traps, at which point, it displays the exact same output as Automatic Deobfuscation.
About deobfuscation, this is completely normal. Obfuscation means to add a lot of meaningless code to make it harder to understand what is actual code and what is there to distract you only. Deobfuscation removes the fake useless code, so you are left weith less overall.
No, the problem is that a large amount of *useful* code is also not shown, this code is not considered dead and it appears to be in relation to removing traps when this code disappears
ok, I don't know how to explain it, but it seems that an update, I don't know which update, managed to break adding classes this way. Using create new ABC simply makes a blank ABC (which crashes the swf on startup) and puts the class in the final ABC. This has worked before. I have used it previously. Looks like I'm going to have to downgrade version. I say which version when if it works
This problem, which has prevented me from adding audio to the game was first introduced in v18.1.0. it works just fine in v18.0.0 and older.
The adding class to proper DoABCTag should be fixed in nightly 2552, try it. To the deobfuscation problem: I see... the switch is way shorter than it should be. Well, this will be hard to fix as deobfuscation is hard and switches especially. But never say never...
In nightly 2556, the MouseDown function of Menu is way longer.
State: new→upgraded
trying it now. The improvement is nearly night and day. switches no longer look like a long chain of ternaries and doesn't even show a local value for a switch input anymore either. Thank you for improving my modding experience greatly.
State: upgraded→closed