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#2128 Ability for one to close an issue if they own it
Author: user syndiate
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Site feature
State: new Help

This would be VERY helpful, especially in my case where I'm copying multiple shapes between multiple SWFs. But even aside from that, it would just be much more efficient in general. Really though, since the tag clipboard, is supposed to act like, well, a clipboard, it may be more helpful to also incorporate the ability to *select* multiple tags.
HOLY CRAP IM A RETARD AGAIN, YOU CAN JUST CTRL+CLICK Well, I have a new feature I want to add: Add the ability for one to close an issue if they own it.
Title: Ability to add multiple items to the tag clipboard→Ability for one to close an issue if they own it