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#2215 Whether the background color of the exported frame image can be specified as a transparent color
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: ExportFrames
State: closed Help

I am trying to export sequence frames from an existing web game, but the exported frame pictures are the default background colors of SWF files, I have to write another code to deal with the background colors of frames again and then crop and combine operations, no doubt the process is quite cumbersome, can you directly remove the background color and keep the size the same when exporting frame images? I know the tool can export PNG images directly, but that's not what I want!
In the ffdec nightly 2011, there is new GUI option to export frames with ignoring frame background (changes it to transparent). On CLI there is also that option: -ignorebackground
State: new→upgraded
Sorry, it's nightly 2801, not 2011.
State: upgraded→closed