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#2226 continue; keyword is removed when editing & saving a file in JPEXS | script execution timeout
Author: user ReactX
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

> What steps will reproduce the problem? When editing a file, and whether you make any changes or not, when saving it again, it will remove the keyword continue; and causes script execution timeouts. Example: __________________ Let's say we have some code that looks like this: if (var1 == var2) { var3 = true; continue; } if (!var1) { continue } If we edit and save this file in JPEXS, it will remove it and become: if (var1 == var2) { var3 = true; } // Deletes the if block entirely which contained just the continue; keyword __________________ This then causes script execution timeouts. > What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system do you have? I am using nightly build 2780. Windows 10. > Please provide any additional information below. If the problem is related to a SWF file, attach it here, otherwise we can't help you. I will attach the SWF before I edited the file. The file name is, at the bottom of the file the function is called drawRanges(). Take note of its implementation, then edit the file and save it, continue keyword is now removed.
Downloadbefore-editing.swf (2,689 KiB)
Here it is sorry, ignore file attached above
This might just be a compiler optimization for removing them, but, the issue still stands when I save the file after clicking on Edit, it breaks the functionality with the error: "A script has executed for longer than the default timeout period of 15 seconds". It does not encounter this problem before touching the file.
break; keyword is also getting removed from the case
This was issue with the AS decompilation. These continues in drawRanges method should not be continues at all. I fixed this in nightly 2825.
State: new→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed