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#2241 does the preview version have virus in it?

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Type: question
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Labels: VirusTotal
State: opened 

i am afraid to update this software, because i don't wanna have virus.
Hmm, it looks like antivirures do not like our windows installer in nightly 2780 for some
See https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/ac442d3c43342a80e0311e6a7da3072ee4b9242c39dd194d262c87
In the past we had problems with very few count of antiviruruses which kept having
but now, even Windows Defender keeps arguing.
I, Jindra Petřík, the author of the decompiler software, swear that I did not put
anything malicious into the product. FFDec works for over 10 years and I have absolutely
no reasons to do anything harmful. This must a false positive.
I know Windows Defender (aka SmartScreen) prefers files that are signed, however I am not
an enterpreneur to buy code signing certificate - it is also expensive.
We use Nullsoft install system for the installer part.
Maybe it is time to switch to other installer kind or to stop distributing windows
installer at all.
We distribute also zipped version of the decompiler which passes the test without any
problem, see
So maybe if you too afraid to use the installer (or cannot, because Windows do not allow
you to download it),
you can use zipped version.
I will investigate further if I can do anything with the installer problems later,
probably during a weekend...
It seems that Windows Defender no longer marks our nightly builds as Malware
and VirusTotal page has only 3/64 score - 3 on AVs that use machine learning - 3 false
What has changed: I removed unused inetc library from the installer, and also reported to
MS that there is false positive. It looks like it worked.
State: new→opened