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#2251 export object info as plain text
Author: user demos
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Type: question
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How can I export object info as plain text? E.g. for this screenshot I want to get this text (at least): DefineSprite (197: ___ ) frame 1 (Unload) frame 2 frame 3 frame 4 frame 5 frame 6 frame 7 frame 8 frame 9 frame 10 (Load) RemoveObject2 Depth: 1 FrameLabel (Load) PlaceObject2 (196) Depth: 157 frame 11 frame 12 And also I want full text export option like this: placeFlagHasClipActions: boolean = false placeFlagHasClipDepth: boolean = false placeFlagHasName: boolean = false placeFlagHasRatio: boolean = false placeFlagHasColorTransform: boolean = false placeFlagHasMatrix: boolean = true placeFlagHasCharacter: boolean = true placeFlagMove: boolean = false depth: 11116 = 157 characterld: UI16 = 196 matrix: MATRIX hasScale: boolean = false hasRotate: boolean = false translateX : SB[nTranslateBits] = 0 translateY: SB[nTranslateBits] = 0 nTranslateBits : UB[5] = 0 nRotateBits : UB[5] = 0 nScaleBits : UB[5] = 0 forceWriteAsLong : boolean = false
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