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#2258 How can I add new packages into the scripts carpet? (the package thingie looks like a box I want to add new ones onto the scripts carpet)
Author: user Keari
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

When i right click the scripts carpet the only option to add something is the add class method, but it doesnt let me add packages/boxes, do any of you guys have an idea to do that?
Downloadimg.png (37 KiB)
You cannot have an empty package. Just add a class and set its package prefix to BootThud4 (BootThud4.MyClass) and it will create a package and the class in it.
State: new→opened
thank you jpexs, ive been doing some research of you and i saw you are a great developer, thanks for making this wonderful tool.
You are welcome.
State: opened→closed