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#2305 [QOL] Color Selector - Custom values in "recent" swatch (colours)

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: GUI
State: upgraded 

(british version of the word colours added in title for SEO, will be using colours for the
rest of this issue)
Greetings. I've encountered a hiccup when editing colours for a lot of sprites, that being
that the colour selector doesn't seem to save custom colours in its selector.
I have tried to look through the settings to see if there's anything to indicate saved
colours, but nothing there.
The custom colour does not save, and when I have to apply that same colour to a lot of
objects, it quickly becomes very tedious and slow work.
I assume this is a lacking feature and not that the colour selector is bugged, which is
why I placed it under feature.
Also, even with the swatches selected and added to the "recent" swatches, they all
disappear when I click OK.
Right now, I cope by going to the colour selector and taking a screenshot of the colour's
Thank you for your consideration.

Oh, right (also idk how to edit this)
I'm using Windows, version 21.0.5, so if this problem does not occur on other systems,
then I guess it'd be a bug report.
In nightly 2931, the list of recent colors is saved.
You can also add items to list with the Add button.
State: new→upgraded