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#2322 Dot operator appears after save and causes error
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: upgraded Help

> What steps will reproduce the problem? Download the attached swf and go to editor.Editor_Renderer, press Edit ActionScript, add a space, press save, Edit again, add space, save again. > What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Before save we have this on line 392 (_loc8_ = new edat.MAP_ETYPE_TO_MC[param1]()).x = edat.quantize_step_size * param2; After save a dot operator is added (_loc8_ = new edat.MAP_ETYPE_TO_MC.[param1]()).x = edat.quantize_step_size * param2; On the second save we get an error: IDENTIFIER or NAMESPACE or MULTIPLY expected but BRACKET_OPEN found on line 392 > What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system do you have? v.21.1.0 nightly build 2920 on windows 10
DownloadNv2.swf (552 KiB)
This is fixed in nightly 2923.
State: new→upgraded
I see the bug is gone and code is cleaner now, nice! var _loc8_:MovieClip = new edat.MAP_ETYPE_TO_MC[param1](); _loc8_.x = edat.quantize_step_size * param2; I was looking at other code and noticed the same separation but one caught my eye Here is the before save line: if((_loc20_ = (_loc20_ = (_loc20_ = _loc20_.replace("\n","")).replace("\r","")).replace("\n\r","")).charAt(0) == "$") After save: _loc20_ = _loc20_.replace("\n",""); _loc20_ = _loc20_.replace("\r",""); if((_loc20_ = _loc20_.replace("\n\r","")).charAt(0) == "$") I was just wondering if the last line was supposed to change to this but it stopped early _loc20_ = _loc20_.replace("\n\r",""); if(_loc20_.charAt(0) == "$")
This should be fixed in nightly 2924.
Looks good now, thanks!
You're welcome