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#2327 help me deobfuscation

Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Deobfuscation
State: opened 

please help me deobfuscation as3 in this swf

A bit analysis:
This SWF file contains a method called "§_e_-----_§.§_e_-_-__-§", which seems to
provide encrypted strings functionality. If you want to get real strings, I would probably
recommend placing calls to trace function near this function call and then run the
debugger (Menu Start->Debug in FFDec).
You can also run "Tools->Rename invalid identifiers" to get more readable function name.
The SWF file loads some data from DefineBinaryData tags,
probably inner SWF. Before doing that, it uses ExternalInterface calls which - in real app
- call some JavaScript.
You cannot call ExternalInterface in FFDec debug session so this will fail.
If you know what the JS calls will return, you can edit the SWF and replace such calls.
But it will be a lot of work.
This work cannot be done automatically by FFDec.
Also it is tedious work so I won't assist you with it, sorry.
State: new→opened
Type: bug→question
Type: bug→question