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#2340 How to add Sprites
Author: user Darkblade
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Sprites
State: opened Help

I'm trying for a mod of a game.
You can right click "sprites" folder and select "Add tag inside / DefineSprite", then select position on new tag in the SWF file. Newly created tag should appear in the tag tree. You can then right click it and select "Add tag inside / Place Object X", then you can the PlaceObject tag on right side (after pressing Edit button) and change placeFlagHasCharacter to true, then set depth and character id, which will be placed on stage in that sprite. It is pretty hard to do all this manually. There is also an option to create sprite from GIF image, just right click sprites folder and select "Add tag inside / Create sprite from GIF file..."
State: new→opened