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#2360 Add a new tool for modifying .sol files
Author: user asp
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: SOL
State: upgraded Help

Hello JPEXS, I have come up with a very interesting feature. The. sol (Flash Local Shared Object File) file is a data archive file of Flash locally, similar to a browser cookie. It is usually located in the local folder C://User/user name/AppData/Roaming/Macro Media/Flash Player/# SharedObjects In action script 3.0, SharedObject. getLocal() is used to store data locally, using key value pairs to store variables and values. Since the. sol file is independent of the swf file, it can be edited separately without editing the swf file. For flash games,. sol files store player character information, level information, item information, and so on. Modifying the. sol file allows for individual modification of game values without affecting the game file itself, which is very useful for players. So I wonder if your decompiler can implement this feature in the future? I haven't seen anyone mention this feature before. Does your decompiler already have this feature? Thank you for seeing my question!
Hello asp, that's a great idea! We already had AMF3 support in FFDec, so implementing SOL editor was not so hard. Please try nightly 2990, the new SOL editor is in the Tools menu. It would require some documentation on how is the syntax for complex objects... It is JSON-like, but Objects/Arrays require some special keys. Also references are supported. What is not supported is when the AMF3 SOL file contains a class with custom serializer. In such case, it will fail opening such file. I am attaching sample files with all available AMF0/3 features.
Downloadamf0test.sol (69 KiB)Downloadamf3test.sol (69 KiB)
State: new→upgraded
Thank you very much for your work. I tested a game and it was very successful. Now I need to update the Chinese translation of this tool. I believe this tool will bring great help to flash game players in the future.
I decide to rename the tool from "Sol editor" to "Sol cookie editor", so you need to translate again. I added new button "Open NPAPI" / "Open PPAPI" to open apropriate folders, if they exist. Also, I added a folder named "cookies" to the SWF tree which will show SOL files that are in appropriate SOL folder that matches that SWF. (Only applicable when SWF is run locally - for example with Run button)