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#2364 Export to FLA - Text loses it's bold property

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: new 

nightly 2993 (happens in older version too) I think text loses it's bold property for some
reason? or something like that.

Can you try something?
Please remove the Agency FB font from your system (Deleting from C:\Windows\Fonts folder
should do it)
, then install the font I attached - it is exported font from "HUD_Font_LocFont.gfx".
The difference is that this exported file does not present itself as bold.
Then please open the FLA file and try generate the SWF/GFX and tell me whether there is
any difference.

Sadly, still same. It looks bold in both FFDEC and flash cs6 but still looks normal in
Btw I named the one of the files wrong, AllInOne_HUD_3D_MP_OG is actually the modified one