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#2374 Sugestion to help Designers

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: GUI
State: upgraded 

Sidebar, there could be an option to display only "sprites" so it would show all the swfs
and only the "sprites" part would appear, so you would only need to navigate with the
arrow keys to see the sprites of each swf. The same could be done with Images, children,
scripts, etc.
Did you attach a file? My email notification says there was 1 file, but I don't see the
file here. Can you try to attach it again?
I'm a designer and lately I've been learning a lot how to use FFDEC, I believe it's not
the focus of the software, but I'd be very grateful if you developed it with swf design
editors in mind
I think this'd be potentially confusing for users who accidentally turn it on and don't
know how to disable it but otherwise yeah i guess it could be useful in this specific case
You can try pressing Ctrl+F and enter "sprites",
it should filter the trees which contain sprites keyword.
Will this help you?
I added a folder type filtering in nightly 3013. When you press Ctrl+F on Resources view
tag tree, you can select which folders will be filtered.
State: new→upgraded
Perfect, solved!