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#2379 Resize xmax automatically when text size changes

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
State: new 

To reproduce:
1. Take any of the text in the v1861.swf file. For example you can take the third text
that says "MISS" with chid:141. (If you want to see the changes directly you can use the
Anti-Idle logo that displays on the title screen)
2. Change the text using the edit window to the right, for example make the text longer by
making it say "MISSSS" instead of "MISS".
The text changes correctly, but the xmax does not change. When the text is displayed in
game, then it is displayed as cut off. Fixing the xmax manually fixes this.
However it would be nice for jpexs to do this automatically, similar to Flash CS6. This
way we don't have to edit the xmax ourseslves and jpexs could size it based on the size of
the new text.
Thank you.

Note that this also happens for xmin, and I would guess ymin and ymax if the text is
multiline, but not sure