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#2380 blurry images from exporting sprites

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Type: question
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Labels: Flash Viewer
State: opened 

Is there a way to export sprites exactly the way they would have been rendered in Flash?
When I export to png, the position and potentially the scale are ever so slightly off,
leading to blurry images. The position in the game should be full integers, but the source
is written in haxe, so I can't say with 100% certainty, even though we have the source
Sprite chid: 758, frame 10 of the attached swf is a good example. I also added a
screenshot of what it looked like in the game, from a screenshot and what I get instead,
when I export assets at 100% zoom.
How did you export a green frame 10 from Sprite chid 758?
I always get it red.
That frame has animated subsprites and the green one is frame 3 at Sprite 692.
And it exports as the image I attached.
Also, I am afraid we cannot get sprites exactly pixel perfect as flash renders them.
We render them using our own flash content renderer which is inaccurate,
we can't render it exactly the same.

State: new→opened
> How did you export a green frame 10 from Sprite chid 758?
That's a good question, maybe it was replaced after exporting. The original export was
done by my collaborator, but the images are just as blurry. I just tried exporting myself
and got the attached result.
Your export looks much cleaner, is it maybe platform dependent?
I was afraid that exact matching might not be possible. Unfortunately the only alternative
I see is exporting at a much higher resolution and then manually cutting and resizing each
sprite, which is an awful lot of work with several hundreds of them. Exporting as SVG and
then going from there doesn't seem to be a solution either, it looks like some properties
of shapes related to transparency get lost in the process. Though that could also be an
issue with Inkscape or the renderer Ubuntu uses, both have that issue.

Oh, nvm regarding the difference between your export and mine. When I export the sprite
listed under "needed" I get the same result as you. Maybe that's the solution for at least
some of the sprites. Though I don't think it will work for composite sprites.