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#2391 Double not operator appears on some ternary expressions
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: new Help

If this is actually intended and not a bug I'd be surprised. > What steps will reproduce the problem? Here is some example as3 code var w:Boolean = true; var x:uint = 0; var y:int = 1; var z:Number = x ? x : (y ? y : x); z = w ? y : x; z = z ? 1 : 0; > What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Expected is it stays the same but result after saving is (last 3 lines) var z:Number = !!x ? x : (!!y ? y : x); z = w ? y : x; z = !!z ? 1 : 0; The double not operator appears on every ternary expression except for the one that has a Boolean condition. > What version of the product are you using? v.22.0.1 nb3022 Win 10