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#2392 Debugger never connects

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
State: new 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
Opening a .swf file in the project. Clicking on it in the hierarchy tree, and then
clicking debug.
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The game should start up with the debugger connected to it.
Instead, the game never starts, and the debugger just turns endlessly without doing
anything. I don't get any error messages. Once in a while I get a popup asking from where
the debugger is launched, where I tried both localhost and entering the IP, but nothing
happens after. Once in a while I get the message "Waiting to connect to debugger" appear
at the bottom of the software, but nothing more happens.
> What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system
do you have?
I am using the version 22.0.1, Windows zip, but had the issue on the installable one too.
> Please provide any additional information below. If the problem is related to a SWF
file, attach it here, otherwise we can't help you.
This problem happens with all my swf files, including the ones that were working perfectly
on my wife's computer.
I tried multiple things to figure out where the error came from:
- Saw similar bugs online with the fix being to click on the swf in the hierarchy tree
before debug
- Uninstalled / Reinstalled jpexs multiple times
- Added my wife's downloaded file of Adobe Flash Player on my computer since we know it
works on hers
- Changed the location of the swf and Adobe Flash Player to be in the same folder as jpexs
just in case it didn't like them being on different drives
- Changed the names/paths of the Player to make sure there was no weird characters /
wasn't too long
- Restarted my computer
- Checked that there was nothing flash related running in the background that could mess
things up
- Tried with multiples swf in case the file was bad, including swfs that work on my wife
- Compared my settings with my wife's to make sure I didn't mess up anything there either
- Tried letting the debugger connection run for different period of time to see if
something would happen (went up to 15 mins)
- Deactivated Microsoft Defenders in case it was messing with stuffs like usual
- Checked that the Player is set in the Paths correctly
I'm honestly out of ideas now...
Thanks in advance for any help,