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#443 unable to move window under KDE linux

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
State: new 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
1 - start the application try to move the window and it moves no problem
2 - maximize the window and then unmaxmize it again back to normal, now try to move the
window , it doesn't move at all
> What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
using version 1.7.4u1 latest nightly built 12/22/2013
Linux mint 15, KDE 4.11
> additional information:
the bug does not exist on windows i can only reproduce it under linux KDE, i haven't
tested other linux environments, but i can test other systems upon request
Please could you try it with an older version?
For example with 1.7.1: /www.free-decompiler.com/flash/download.html?action=archive
And please try without opening any SWF, to minimize the possible reasons of this wrong
tried 1.7.1 without any swf open, problem still present
i then downloaded v1.3.0 ,opened an swf cuz that version does not maximize the window
unless there was a swf file open, the problem is there too, after maximizing the window
and restoring it it does not move
Then maybe it is a global problem with java applications.
i have other java applications installed this problem only happens with FFdec
the only difference i see between FFdec window and other java applications is that the
FFdec window border and title bar is not created by the system, for example, in the old
1.3.0 version and the same goes for the latest one, the title bar and the close , maximize
and minimize buttons are created by the application code and not by the window manager,
they have their own style and does not follow the system theme
in other words it looks to me as the window is set to be borderless and the actual border
title bar and buttons are drawn by the application, and also the code that moves the
window is part of the application and not handled by the system
Please try the classic interface with latest nightly build.
Do you have skype or gtalk? It would be easier and faster to communicate via IM program.
my gtalk is: qpdbdp [at] gmail
i tried the new classic interface, what happens is the following:
after changing to the classic interface from the settings the application asks to restart,
then when it starts up again the window borders and title bar are still not managed by the
system and the window cannot be moved after restoring from a maximized state
but after closing FFdec and starting it again myself, the window borders are now managed
by the system, and have the system theme i have set, and the window can be moved, the
problem is not there anymore in the classic interface but after FFDec was closed and
started again a second time
Yes, because after the question, the process is not restarted, only the form is
re-created. I forgot to mention, that maybe you need to restart the program.