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#475 Advanded settings and language buttons are not center

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: GUI
State: postponed 

Hi there,
Advanded settings and language buttons are not center on the panel.
Is it possible to center them ?

Also, when we choose antoher language like french, spanish... the text of advanced
settings panel is not enought large.
That appears :
- "Paramètres ava..." for french (français)
- "Optiones Avanz..." for spanish (Espanol)
and so on.
It depends on external Ribbon component - Flamingo.
I am not really in mood for changing these components.
I think they work good. The centering buttons is a feature everybody can live without.
And for the cutted text: You can translate them better to a shorter strings.
State: new→postponed