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#491 Import a font
Author: user gamuti
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Fonts
State: closed Help

When we delete a font, it is not possible to re-put the same font. Is it possible to add this feature. See link bellow, about this request : /
I have implemented a "move tag" feature. You can open 2 swf files, right click on a tag (e.g font 8), select "Move to", select the another swf. And click to the 2nd swf to activate it (Title bar should show the title of the 2nd swf). Then press save button. It will move the selected tag to the 2nd swf. You can try it. Do not forget to backup all of your swf's before trying this feature. Is this solves your problem?
I have trying this feature, but it doesn't work. In fact, there is again a lot of DefineText witch are not able to use. Also, a lot of DefineText are printable but text in parameter are bad. I having look Font8 is putted at the end of Font list. Therefore, its correct place is the second of the list. I think of the problem is here.
The tag position doesn't matter. I tried it with your swfs, and it was wokring. I was able to open for example DefineText (9)
State: new→upgraded
Ok, i see your problem.. it will show the texts, but it is diffrent from the original. Did you import any new characters to font8 earlier?
No, I haven't imported any new charateres to font8. Yes text is different of original because I having translate all definetext into french. Also, after re-puting of font8, then texts are not the same of my french translate. Good night !
Also, a lot of text are not appears when the game is launched, or executed.
I tried to remove font8 from your original swf, and saved it. All the referenced define texts were removed, so i dont understand how did you create the modified swf.
Can you reproduce it? Starting from the original 240.swf.
Modified SWF is a french translation of original SWF which is english ! Modified SWF has more than 1000 lines translated ! It's a big works. I think than I've deleted font8 from modified swf. It's an error ! Also, I having computed some DefineText, in modified swf, with font8 : The text, in parameters, has characters shifted. By example : letter A appears B and so on... The best way, restart translation since home. Encourage me.
But can you reproduce it? I tried to delete font8, but i got a diffrent result. I can't belive that you have to change 1000 lines to reproduce it. If it is an FFdec bug, you should be able to reproduce with 1 line change.
OK. I'll do it.
I'll close this due to inactivity. Feel free to create a new issue when you find any problem.
State: upgraded→closed