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#503 Invalid shapes in .fla

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:

Labels: FLA exportShapes
State: closed 

(Caution! "Hentai") http://www107.sakura.ne.jp/~moemoe/cg/swf/hiyake.swf
Invalid shapes in .fla: Symbol 73, 91, etc...

I make true correct shape by another method.
* "Export Resources" (SWF Export) of hiyake.swf by Sothink SWF Decompiler.
* New AS3 Blank Project by Flash Pro.
* File/Load/"Load to Library" with hiyake\Shape\Shape73.swf
* Save Project by xfl.
* shape73.swf.xml

Closed due to inactivity.
State: upgraded→closed
State: closed→returned
This is fixed in nightly 2674.
State: returned→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed