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#571 Translation: Portuguese - Brasil
Date created:
Type: other
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Translation
State: opened Help

I think it's better to do this: About Portuguese, i will tell something: Portuguese - Portugal Portuguese - Brasil it would better to have two translations. Well, Portuguese - Portugal is same as the current 'Portuguese' If you wan't i can translate Portuguese - Brasil.
Thank you. Please translate the latest resources to "Portuguese - Brasil" Before translating please read the following tutorial: / You can use the following language code: "pt_BR", so for example:
State: new→opened
Title: Translation Idea→Traslation: Portuguese - Brasil
Type: feature→other
Added translation:
Thank you. Please translate all the english texts. For example in MainFrame nothing is translated after "#after version 1.7.1:" (Ok, it is not translated in Portuguese, too, but you should translate them to Brasil:))
Also change the following text in SelectLanguageDialog, please: language = Português for example to: language = Português - Brasil I've added your translation, you can try the latest nightly build. And you can download the new translation pack, too.
Title: Traslation: Portuguese - Brasil→Translation: Portuguese - Brasil
Please translate the following texts (You can skip AdvancedSettings if it is too much): pt-BR ----------------------------- AboutDialog, property: translators=Translators: AboutDialog, property: developers.others=+ others from GitHub and Google code AboutDialog, property: developers=Developers: AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.overrideTextExportFileName=You can customite the filename of the expoted text. Use {filename} placeholder to use the filename of current SWF. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCloseConfirmation=Show again SWF close confirmation for modified files. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showTraitSavedMessage=Show again trait saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: of imports AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: bounds resize mode AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Get local register names from debug info AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: again SWF close confirmation AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: port AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: again code saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lastDebuggerReplaceFunction=Function name which was last selected in replace trace function with debugger AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: again trait saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: color format AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Display debugger info AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.autoLoadEmbeddedSwfs=Automaticaly load the embedded SWFs from DefineBinaryData tags. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.debuggerPort=Port used for socket debugging AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Export zoom AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.useHexColorFormat=Show the colors in hex format AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.tagTreeShowEmptyFolders=Show empty folders in tag tree. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: old text during text editing AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.textImportResizeTextBoundsMode=Text bounds resize mode after text editing. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: View AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.getLocalNamesFromDebugInfo=If debug info present, renames local registers from _loc_x_ to real names. This can be turned off because some obfuscators use invalid register names there. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCodeSavedMessage=Show again code saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: fast bytes (valid values: 5-255) AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.randomDebuggerPackage=This renames Debugger package to random string which makes debugger presence harder to detect by ActionScript AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.displayDebuggerInfo=Display info about debugger before switching it AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Proxy address for checking updates AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.dumpView=View raw data dump AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: text export filename AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: mode AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.export.zoom=Last used export zoom AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: random package name for Debugger AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showMethodBodyId=Shows the id of the methodbody for commandline import AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.updateProxyAddress=Http Proxy address for checking updates. Format: AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Path AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: method body id AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.deobfuscationMode=Run deobfuscation on every file before ActionScript decompilation AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showOldTextDuringTextEditing=Shows the original text of the text tag with gray color in the preview area. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Last selected trace replacement AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: empty folders AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.pluginPath=- AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lzmaFastBytes=Fast bytes parameter of the LZMA encoder AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: load embedded SWFs DebugLogDialog, property: dialog.title=Debugger Log DebugLogDialog, property: msg.header=connection %clientid%: DebugLogDialog, property: button.close=Close DebugLogDialog, property: button.clear=Clear ExportDialog, property: zoom.invalid=Invalid zoom value. ExportDialog, property: frames.bmp=BMP ExportDialog, property: frames.png=PNG ExportDialog, property: frames.canvas=HTML5 Canvas ExportDialog, property: frames.svg=SVG ExportDialog, property: frames.avi=AVI ExportDialog, property: scripts.pcode_hex=P-code with Hex ExportDialog, property: zoom.percent=% ExportDialog, property: fonts.ttf=TTF ExportDialog, property: frames.pdf=PDF ExportDialog, property: binaryData=Binary data ExportDialog, property: frames=Frames ExportDialog, property: sounds.mp3_wav=MP3/WAV ExportDialog, property: shapes.canvas=HTML5 Canvas ExportDialog, property: binaryData.raw=Raw ExportDialog, property: morphshapes.gif=GIF ExportDialog, property: morphshapes.canvas=HTML5 Canvas ExportDialog, property: fonts.woff=WOFF ExportDialog, property: morphshapes=Morphshapes ExportDialog, property: fonts=Fonts ExportDialog, property: scripts.hex=Hex ExportDialog, property: zoom=Zoom ExportDialog, property: frames.gif=GIF ExportDialog, property: sounds.wav=WAV ExportDialog, property: morphshapes.svg=SVG ExportDialog, property: texts.svg=SVG FontEmbedDialog, property: ttffile.selection=TTF file: %fontname% (%filename%) FontEmbedDialog, property: installed=Installed: FontEmbedDialog, property: error.invalidfontfile=Invalid font file FontEmbedDialog, property: filter.ttf=True Type Font files (*.ttf) FontEmbedDialog, property: button.loadfont=Load font from disk... FontEmbedDialog, property: allcharacters=All characters (%available% characters) FontEmbedDialog, property: ttffile.noselection=TTF file: <select> FontEmbedDialog, property: error.cannotreadfontfile=Cannot read font file LoadFromMemoryFrame, property: LoadFromMemoryFrame, property: column.version=Version LoadFromMemoryFrame, property: LoadFromMemoryFrame, property: column.fileSize=File Size LoadFromMemoryFrame, property: column.processName=Process Name MainFrame, property: dialog.selectcolor.title=Select color MainFrame, property: generictag.array.insertafter=Insert %item% after MainFrame, property: message.confirm.removemultiple=Are you sure you want to remove %count% items and all objects which depend on it? MainFrame, property: work.restoringControlFlow=Restoring control flow MainFrame, property: button.prev=Previous MainFrame, property: preview.prevframe=Previous frame MainFrame, property: contextmenu.jumpToCharacter=Jump to character MainFrame, property: error.text.import=Error during text import. Do you want to continue? MainFrame, property: button.snapshot.hint=Take snapshot into clipboard MainFrame, property: menu.file.close=Close MainFrame, property: menu.debugger=Debugger MainFrame, property: display name: MainFrame, property: header.version=SWF Version: MainFrame, property: contextmenu.expandAll=Expand all MainFrame, property: preview.nextframe=Next frame MainFrame, property: contextmenu.parseInstructions=Parse AVM2 Instructions MainFrame, property: menu.file.saveasexe=Save as Exe... MainFrame, property: filter.swc=SWC component files (*.swc) MainFrame, property: errors.warning=There are WARNINGS in the log. Click to view. MainFrame, property: node.others=others MainFrame, property: contextmenu.addTag=Add tag MainFrame, property: contextmenu.closeSwf=Close SWF MainFrame, property: message.confirm.closeAll=There are unsaved changes. Do you really want to close all SWFs? MainFrame, property: open.error.fileNotFound=File not found MainFrame, property: filter.xml=XML MainFrame, property: deobfuscation.comment.failed=Deobfuscation is activated but decompilation still failed. If the file is NOT obfuscated, disable "Automatic deobfucation" for better results. MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.title=Goto frame MainFrame, property: MainFrame, property: are INFORMATIONS in the log. Click to view. MainFrame, property: fontName.copyright=Font copyright: MainFrame, property: disassemblingProgress.toString=toString MainFrame, property: menu.settings.dumpView=Dump view MainFrame, property: header.displayrect=Display rect: MainFrame, property: message.confirm.close=There are unsaved changes. Do you really want to close {swfName}? MainFrame, property: MainFrame, property: message.font.add.exists=Character %char% already exists in the font tag. Do you want to replace it? MainFrame, property: button.zoomin.hint=Zoom in MainFrame, property: preview.stop=Stop MainFrame, property: button.setAdvanceValues=Set advance values MainFrame, property: header.displayrect.value.pixels=%xmin%,%ymin% => %xmax%,%ymax% pixels MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.showlog=Show Log MainFrame, property: disassemblingProgress.deobfuscating=Deobfuscating MainFrame, property: name in tag: MainFrame, property: menu.file.import.text=Import text MainFrame, property: menu.advancedsettings.advancedsettings=Advanced Settings MainFrame, property: to all MainFrame, property: contextmenu.removeWithDependencies=Remove with dependencies MainFrame, property: browsers cache MainFrame, property: menu.file.deobfuscation.old=Old style MainFrame, property: menu.recentFiles=Recent files MainFrame, property: deobfuscation.comment.tryenable=Tip: You can try enabling "Automatic deobfucation" in Settings MainFrame, property: MainFrame, property: button.preview=Preview MainFrame, property: contextmenu.moveTag=Move tag to MainFrame, property: button.selectcolor.hint=Click to select color MainFrame, property: error.sound.invalid=Invalid sound. MainFrame, property: menu.file.closeAll=Close all MainFrame, property: filter.sounds=Supported sound formats (*.wav, *.mp3) MainFrame, property: contextmenu.rawEdit=Raw edit MainFrame, property: contextmenu.parseABC=Parse ABC MainFrame, property: open.error=Error MainFrame, property: header.framerate=Frame rate: MainFrame, property: recent files MainFrame, property: filter.supported=All supported filetypes MainFrame, property: abc.action.find-usages=Find usages MainFrame, property: button.zoomfit.hint=Zoom to fit MainFrame, property: header.displayrect.value.twips=%xmin%,%ymin% => %xmax%,%ymax% twips MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe=Goto frame... MainFrame, property: binarydata.swfInside=It looks like there is SWF inside this binary data tag. Click here to load it as subtree. MainFrame, property: Replace MainFrame, property: menu.import=Import MainFrame, property: filter.exe=Executable files (*.exe) MainFrame, property: header.signature=Signature: MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.replacetrace=Replace trace calls MainFrame, property: message.confirm.donotshowagain=Do not show again MainFrame, property: generictag.array.item=item MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.switch=Debugger MainFrame, property: header.framecount=Frame count: MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.frame.error=Invalid frame number. It must be number between %min% and %max%. MainFrame, property: abc.action.find-declaration=Find declaration MainFrame, property: button.zoomnone.hint=Zoom to 1:1 MainFrame, property: menu.view=View MainFrame, property: button.reset=Reset MainFrame, property: message.confirm.recentFileNotFound=File not found. Do you want to remove it from the recent file list? MainFrame, property: decompilationError=Decompilation error MainFrame, property: disassemblingProgress.reading=Reading MainFrame, property: button.addtrait=Add trait MainFrame, property: header.compression.zlib=ZLIB MainFrame, property: filter.sounds.wav=Wave file format (*.wav) MainFrame, property: message.action.playerglobal.needed=For ActionScript 3 direct editation, a library called "PlayerGlobal.swc" needs to be downloaded from Adobe homepage. %adobehomepage% Press OK to go to the download page. MainFrame, property: generictag.array.insertbefore=Insert %item% before MainFrame, property: filter.sounds.mp3=MP3 compressed format (*.mp3) MainFrame, property: menu.deobfuscation=AS1/2 Deobfuscation MainFrame, property: contextmenu.importSwfXml=Import SWF XML MainFrame, property: menu.file.view.resources=Resources MainFrame, property: error.text.invalid.continue=Invalid text: %text% on line %line%. Do you want to continue? MainFrame, property: fit=fit MainFrame, property: header.compression.lzma=LZMA MainFrame, property: preview.pause=Pause MainFrame, property: filter.gfx=ScaleForm GFx files (*.gfx) MainFrame, property: message.debugger=This SWF Debugger can only be used to print messages to log window, browser console or alerts. It is NOT designed for features like step code, breakpoints etc. MainFrame, property: contextmenu.parseActions=Parse actions MainFrame, property: font.updateTexts=Update texts MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.message=Enter frame number (%min% - %max%) MainFrame, property: open.error.cannotOpen=Cannot open file MainFrame, property: generictag.array.remove=Remove %item% MainFrame, property: generictag.array.insertend=Insert %item% at the end MainFrame, property: button.font.embed=Embed... MainFrame, property: contextmenu.exportSwfXml=Export SWF as XML MainFrame, property: header.compression.none=No compression MainFrame, property: the library called PlayerGlobal(.swc), and place it to directory %libpath% Press OK to continue. MainFrame, property: contextmenu.saveToFile=Save to File MainFrame, property: node.header=header MainFrame, property: generictag.array.insertbeginning=Insert %item% at the beginning MainFrame, property: MainFrame, property: button.zoomout.hint=Zoom out MainFrame, property: header.compression=Compression: MainFrame, property: menu.file.view.hex=Hex dump MainFrame, property: compressed files (*.zip) MainFrame, property: work.restoringControlFlow.complete=Control flow restored MainFrame, property: header.filesize=File size: MainFrame, property: message.confirm.experimental.function=This function is EXPERIMENTAL. It means that you should not trust the results and the SWF file can be disfunctional after saving. MainFrame, property: message.action.playerglobal.title=PlayerGlobal library needed MainFrame, property: button.yes.all=Yes to all MainFrame, property: contextmenu.copyTag=Copy tag to MainFrame, property: editorTruncateWarning=Text truncated at position %chars% in debug mode. MainFrame, property: menu.settings.autoRenameIdentifiers=Auto rename identifiers MainFrame, property: filter.binary=Binary search - all files (*.*) MainFrame, property: header.gfx=GFX: MainFrame, property: Search MainFrame, property: error.trait.exists=Trait with name "%name%" already exists. MainFrame, property: style MainFrame, property: contextmenu.openswfinside=Open SWF inside MainFrame, property: work.canceled=Canceled MainFrame, property: directory to import MainFrame, property: contextmenu.exportJavaSource=Export Java Source ReplaceTraceDialog, property: dialog.title=Replace Trace function calls ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugConsole=debugConsole - web browser javascript console.log ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugAlert=debugAlert - web browser javascript alert ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugSocket=debugSocket - socket connection to the decompiler SearchDialog, property: checkbox.searchText=Search in texts SearchDialog, property: dialog.title=Text search SearchDialog, property: checkbox.searchAS=Search in AS SearchDialog, property: label.replacementtext=Replacement text: SearchDialog, property: checkbox.replaceInParameters=Replace in parameters SearchDialog, property: dialog.title.replace=Text replace SearchResultsDialog, property: dialog.title=Search results: %text% SearchResultsDialog, property: button.goto=Go to SearchResultsDialog, property: button.close=Close UsageFrame, property: dialog.title.declaration=Declaration: ProxyFrame, property: column.url=URL ProxyFrame, property: copy.url=Copy URL ProxyFrame, property: column.size=Size ProxyFrame, property: save file ProxyFrame, property: error.start.server=Cannot start server on port %port%. Please check if port is not blocked by other application. ProxyFrame, property: error.replace=Cannot replace data ProxyFrame, property: column.accessed=Accessed ProxyFrame, property: as... ProxyFrame, property: replace=Replace... ru ----------------------------- AboutDialog, property: translators=Translators: AboutDialog, property: developers.others=+ others from GitHub and Google code AboutDialog, property: developers=Developers: AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.overrideTextExportFileName=You can customite the filename of the expoted text. Use {filename} placeholder to use the filename of current SWF. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCloseConfirmation=Show again SWF close confirmation for modified files. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showTraitSavedMessage=Show again trait saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: of imports AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: bounds resize mode AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: again SWF close confirmation AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: again code saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lastDebuggerReplaceFunction=Function name which was last selected in replace trace function with debugger AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: again trait saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Display debugger info AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.autoLoadEmbeddedSwfs=Automaticaly load the embedded SWFs from DefineBinaryData tags. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Export zoom AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: old text during text editing AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.textImportResizeTextBoundsMode=Text bounds resize mode after text editing. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCodeSavedMessage=Show again code saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: fast bytes (valid values: 5-255) AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.displayDebuggerInfo=Display info about debugger before switching it AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Proxy address for checking updates AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: text export filename AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: mode AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.export.zoom=Last used export zoom AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.updateProxyAddress=Http Proxy address for checking updates. Format: AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Path AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.deobfuscationMode=Run deobfuscation on every file before ActionScript decompilation AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showOldTextDuringTextEditing=Shows the original text of the text tag with gray color in the preview area. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Last selected trace replacement AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.pluginPath=- AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lzmaFastBytes=Fast bytes parameter of the LZMA encoder AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: load embedded SWFs MainFrame, property: preview.prevframe=Previous frame MainFrame, property: preview.nextframe=Next frame MainFrame, property: message.confirm.closeAll=There are unsaved changes. Do you really want to close all SWFs? MainFrame, property: filter.xml=XML MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.title=Goto frame MainFrame, property: message.confirm.close=There are unsaved changes. Do you really want to close {swfName}? MainFrame, property: button.setAdvanceValues=Set advance values MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe=Goto frame... MainFrame, property: Replace MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.frame.error=Invalid frame number. It must be number between %min% and %max%. MainFrame, property: contextmenu.importSwfXml=Import SWF XML MainFrame, property: error.text.invalid.continue=Invalid text: %text% on line %line%. Do you want to continue? MainFrame, property: fit=fit MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.message=Enter frame number (%min% - %max%) MainFrame, property: contextmenu.exportSwfXml=Export SWF as XML MainFrame, property: contextmenu.copyTag=Copy tag to MainFrame, property: editorTruncateWarning=Text truncated at position %chars% in debug mode. MainFrame, property: contextmenu.exportJavaSource=Export Java Source SearchDialog, property: label.replacementtext=Replacement text: SearchDialog, property: checkbox.replaceInParameters=Replace in parameters SearchDialog, property: dialog.title.replace=Text replace sv ----------------------------- AboutDialog, property: translators=Translators: AboutDialog, property: developers.others=+ others from GitHub and Google code AboutDialog, property: developers=Developers: AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.overrideTextExportFileName=You can customite the filename of the expoted text. Use {filename} placeholder to use the filename of current SWF. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCloseConfirmation=Show again SWF close confirmation for modified files. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showTraitSavedMessage=Show again trait saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: of imports AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: bounds resize mode AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Get local register names from debug info AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: again SWF close confirmation AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: port AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: again code saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lastDebuggerReplaceFunction=Function name which was last selected in replace trace function with debugger AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: again trait saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: color format AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Display debugger info AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.autoLoadEmbeddedSwfs=Automaticaly load the embedded SWFs from DefineBinaryData tags. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.debuggerPort=Port used for socket debugging AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Export zoom AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.useHexColorFormat=Show the colors in hex format AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.tagTreeShowEmptyFolders=Show empty folders in tag tree. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: old text during text editing AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.textImportResizeTextBoundsMode=Text bounds resize mode after text editing. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: View AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.getLocalNamesFromDebugInfo=If debug info present, renames local registers from _loc_x_ to real names. This can be turned off because some obfuscators use invalid register names there. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCodeSavedMessage=Show again code saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: fast bytes (valid values: 5-255) AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.randomDebuggerPackage=This renames Debugger package to random string which makes debugger presence harder to detect by ActionScript AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.displayDebuggerInfo=Display info about debugger before switching it AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Proxy address for checking updates AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.dumpView=View raw data dump AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: text export filename AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: mode AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.export.zoom=Last used export zoom AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: random package name for Debugger AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showMethodBodyId=Shows the id of the methodbody for commandline import AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.updateProxyAddress=Http Proxy address for checking updates. Format: AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Path AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: method body id AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.deobfuscationMode=Run deobfuscation on every file before ActionScript decompilation AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showOldTextDuringTextEditing=Shows the original text of the text tag with gray color in the preview area. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Last selected trace replacement AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: empty folders AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.pluginPath=- AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lzmaFastBytes=Fast bytes parameter of the LZMA encoder AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: load embedded SWFs DebugLogDialog, property: dialog.title=Debugger Log DebugLogDialog, property: msg.header=connection %clientid%: DebugLogDialog, property: button.close=Close DebugLogDialog, property: button.clear=Clear ExportDialog, property: zoom.invalid=Invalid zoom value. ExportDialog, property: frames.bmp=BMP ExportDialog, property: frames.png=PNG ExportDialog, property: frames.canvas=HTML5 Canvas ExportDialog, property: frames.svg=SVG ExportDialog, property: frames.avi=AVI ExportDialog, property: zoom.percent=% ExportDialog, property: fonts.ttf=TTF ExportDialog, property: frames.pdf=PDF ExportDialog, property: binaryData=Binary data ExportDialog, property: frames=Frames ExportDialog, property: sounds.mp3_wav=MP3/WAV ExportDialog, property: shapes.canvas=HTML5 Canvas ExportDialog, property: binaryData.raw=Raw ExportDialog, property: morphshapes.gif=GIF ExportDialog, property: morphshapes.canvas=HTML5 Canvas ExportDialog, property: fonts.woff=WOFF ExportDialog, property: morphshapes=Morphshapes ExportDialog, property: fonts=Fonts ExportDialog, property: zoom=Zoom ExportDialog, property: frames.gif=GIF ExportDialog, property: sounds.wav=WAV ExportDialog, property: morphshapes.svg=SVG ExportDialog, property: texts.svg=SVG FontEmbedDialog, property: ttffile.selection=TTF file: %fontname% (%filename%) FontEmbedDialog, property: installed=Installed: FontEmbedDialog, property: error.invalidfontfile=Invalid font file FontEmbedDialog, property: filter.ttf=True Type Font files (*.ttf) FontEmbedDialog, property: button.loadfont=Load font from disk... FontEmbedDialog, property: allcharacters=All characters (%available% characters) FontEmbedDialog, property: ttffile.noselection=TTF file: <select> FontEmbedDialog, property: error.cannotreadfontfile=Cannot read font file MainFrame, property: work.restoringControlFlow=Restoring control flow MainFrame, property: preview.prevframe=Previous frame MainFrame, property: contextmenu.jumpToCharacter=Jump to character MainFrame, property: button.snapshot.hint=Take snapshot into clipboard MainFrame, property: menu.debugger=Debugger MainFrame, property: header.version=SWF Version: MainFrame, property: preview.nextframe=Next frame MainFrame, property: contextmenu.parseInstructions=Parse AVM2 Instructions MainFrame, property: contextmenu.addTag=Add tag MainFrame, property: message.confirm.closeAll=There are unsaved changes. Do you really want to close all SWFs? MainFrame, property: filter.xml=XML MainFrame, property: deobfuscation.comment.failed=Deobfuscation is activated but decompilation still failed. If the file is NOT obfuscated, disable "Automatic deobfucation" for better results. MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.title=Goto frame MainFrame, property: menu.settings.dumpView=Dump view MainFrame, property: header.displayrect=Display rect: MainFrame, property: message.confirm.close=There are unsaved changes. Do you really want to close {swfName}? MainFrame, property: button.zoomin.hint=Zoom in MainFrame, property: button.setAdvanceValues=Set advance values MainFrame, property: header.displayrect.value.pixels=%xmin%,%ymin% => %xmax%,%ymax% pixels MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.showlog=Show Log MainFrame, property: name in tag: MainFrame, property: menu.file.deobfuscation.old=Old style MainFrame, property: deobfuscation.comment.tryenable=Tip: You can try enabling "Automatic deobfucation" in Settings MainFrame, property: contextmenu.rawEdit=Raw edit MainFrame, property: contextmenu.parseABC=Parse ABC MainFrame, property: header.framerate=Frame rate: MainFrame, property: button.zoomfit.hint=Zoom to fit MainFrame, property: header.displayrect.value.twips=%xmin%,%ymin% => %xmax%,%ymax% twips MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe=Goto frame... MainFrame, property: binarydata.swfInside=It looks like there is SWF inside this binary data tag. Click here to load it as subtree. MainFrame, property: Replace MainFrame, property: header.signature=Signature: MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.replacetrace=Replace trace calls MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.switch=Debugger MainFrame, property: header.framecount=Frame count: MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.frame.error=Invalid frame number. It must be number between %min% and %max%. MainFrame, property: button.zoomnone.hint=Zoom to 1:1 MainFrame, property: menu.view=View MainFrame, property: header.compression.zlib=ZLIB MainFrame, property: menu.deobfuscation=AS1/2 Deobfuscation MainFrame, property: contextmenu.importSwfXml=Import SWF XML MainFrame, property: menu.file.view.resources=Resources MainFrame, property: error.text.invalid.continue=Invalid text: %text% on line %line%. Do you want to continue? MainFrame, property: fit=fit MainFrame, property: header.compression.lzma=LZMA MainFrame, property: message.debugger=This SWF Debugger can only be used to print messages to log window, browser console or alerts. It is NOT designed for features like step code, breakpoints etc. MainFrame, property: contextmenu.parseActions=Parse actions MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.message=Enter frame number (%min% - %max%) MainFrame, property: contextmenu.exportSwfXml=Export SWF as XML MainFrame, property: header.compression.none=No compression MainFrame, property: contextmenu.saveToFile=Save to File MainFrame, property: node.header=header MainFrame, property: button.zoomout.hint=Zoom out MainFrame, property: header.compression=Compression: MainFrame, property: menu.file.view.hex=Hex dump MainFrame, property: header.filesize=File size: MainFrame, property: contextmenu.copyTag=Copy tag to MainFrame, property: editorTruncateWarning=Text truncated at position %chars% in debug mode. MainFrame, property: header.gfx=GFX: MainFrame, property: style MainFrame, property: contextmenu.openswfinside=Open SWF inside MainFrame, property: contextmenu.exportJavaSource=Export Java Source ReplaceTraceDialog, property: dialog.title=Replace Trace function calls ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugConsole=debugConsole - web browser javascript console.log ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugAlert=debugAlert - web browser javascript alert ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugSocket=debugSocket - socket connection to the decompiler SearchDialog, property: label.replacementtext=Replacement text: SearchDialog, property: checkbox.replaceInParameters=Replace in parameters SearchDialog, property: dialog.title.replace=Text replace ProxyFrame, property: column.url=URL ProxyFrame, property: copy.url=Copy URL ProxyFrame, property: column.size=Size ProxyFrame, property: save file ProxyFrame, property: error.start.server=Cannot start server on port %port%. Please check if port is not blocked by other application. ProxyFrame, property: error.replace=Cannot replace data ProxyFrame, property: column.accessed=Accessed ProxyFrame, property: as... ProxyFrame, property: replace=Replace...
Sorry, please ignore the lines after "ru" (They are the Russian and Swedish missing texts)
Ive fixed it ;) im working with realmaster42 on same thing so we bouth have it.
oops wrong topic xD
Hi realmaster, a guy contacted me via email. He wants to help with Portugese-brasil translation. I told him he must go to to the issue tracker a talk about it in this issue (and cooperate with you). He does not want to use the tracker for some reasons and keeps sending me emails :-(. He sent me this file with (I guess) updated translation. What do you think about it? I don't know how to solve the situation. I can give you contant to him so you can probably talk about it via email...
Oh hi, I'm soooo sorry for this very late response. Life stuff tbh, yeah sure, let him take full controll of it ;)
Hello, I am the current translator of JPEXS into Brazilian, I did my first translation using github, including the nsis translation, I tried to translate everything that was missing, at this moment I have also completed updating the translation of the latest version 20.0.0, I think which I also deserve credit in the github readme since I am the only current translator of this language. Below is the .jpt file
Hello Alimsoftware, I added the new translation in nightly 2692. Also modified the readme file - is is now available in the dev branch here: will be merged into master with publishing new version. Sorry for not modifying the readme earlier, I always forget to modify the readme :-(. One note: I removed your ui.list.* translations from "lib\\pcode\AS2" since they were wrong in the original english file. They must contain Actions instead of AVM2 instruction - I updated the english version now. These are currently still unused in the FFDec code - the list of Actions is not generated, so it is not a big deal, but just for your info. But the action list might be generated in later versions, so it's better to be prepared. Also thank you very much for your contribution!