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#630 Translation: Polish
Author: user Mateon1
Date created:
Type: other
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
State: opened Help

I'm interested in translating the program into Polish. Can I help? Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can help. Thank you
State: new→opened
Alright, where do I look and which files do I translate? I have some time on my hands today, I could work on the translation now.
You canfind the information in this page: / Youshould download the latest ffdec_2.1.2_<id>, and translate the english files: The base *.properties files (where it is not *_??.properties)
Can I still upload Polish translation to this issue?
Mateon1: How is it going with the translation? Do you have something translated? Or can martinkoza work on that?
Yes, he can work on it, I'll send the translation I have so far, I stopped working on it because of too much work in real life. Thank you for wanting to contribute :) The file contains everything I translated in the /FFDec/ folder, I didn't touch /jsyntaxpane/ yet
What does 'obfuscation/deobfuscation' mean?
developer deobfuscation is removing the obfuscation
It took me some time, but finally I've got everything translated.
Sorry, forgot about jsyntaxpane, sending translated files
Updated FontEmbedDialog
#Font name which is presented in the SWF Font tag = Nazwa czcionki w etykiecie:
Please translate the following texts (You can skip AdvancedSettings if it is too much): pl ----------------------------- AboutDialog, property: translators=Translators: AboutDialog, property: developers.others=+ others from GitHub and Google code AboutDialog, property: developers=Developers: AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.overrideTextExportFileName=You can customite the filename of the expoted text. Use {filename} placeholder to use the filename of current SWF. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCloseConfirmation=Show again SWF close confirmation for modified files. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showTraitSavedMessage=Show again trait saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: of imports AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: bounds resize mode AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Get local register names from debug info AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: again SWF close confirmation AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: port AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: again code saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lastDebuggerReplaceFunction=Function name which was last selected in replace trace function with debugger AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: again trait saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Display debugger info AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.autoLoadEmbeddedSwfs=Automaticaly load the embedded SWFs from DefineBinaryData tags. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.debuggerPort=Port used for socket debugging AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Export zoom AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.tagTreeShowEmptyFolders=Show empty folders in tag tree. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: old text during text editing AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.textImportResizeTextBoundsMode=Text bounds resize mode after text editing. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.getLocalNamesFromDebugInfo=If debug info present, renames local registers from _loc_x_ to real names. This can be turned off because some obfuscators use invalid register names there. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCodeSavedMessage=Show again code saved message AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.randomDebuggerPackage=This renames Debugger package to random string which makes debugger presence harder to detect by ActionScript AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.displayDebuggerInfo=Display info about debugger before switching it AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Proxy address for checking updates AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: text export filename AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.export.zoom=Last used export zoom AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: random package name for Debugger AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.decompile=You can disable AS decompilation, then only P-code is shown AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.updateProxyAddress=Http Proxy address for checking updates. Format: AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showOldTextDuringTextEditing=Shows the original text of the text tag with gray color in the preview area. AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: Last selected trace replacement AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: empty folders AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: load embedded SWFs DebugLogDialog, property: dialog.title=Debugger Log DebugLogDialog, property: msg.header=connection %clientid%: DebugLogDialog, property: button.close=Close DebugLogDialog, property: button.clear=Clear MainFrame, property: preview.prevframe=Previous frame MainFrame, property: menu.debugger=Debugger MainFrame, property: preview.nextframe=Next frame MainFrame, property: contextmenu.addTag=Add tag MainFrame, property: message.confirm.closeAll=There are unsaved changes. Do you really want to close all SWFs? MainFrame, property: filter.xml=XML MainFrame, property: deobfuscation.comment.failed=Deobfuscation is activated but decompilation still failed. If the file is NOT obfuscated, disable "Automatic deobfucation" for better results. MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.title=Goto frame MainFrame, property: message.confirm.close=There are unsaved changes. Do you really want to close {swfName}? MainFrame, property: button.setAdvanceValues=Set advance values MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.showlog=Show Log MainFrame, property: deobfuscation.comment.tryenable=Tip: You can try enabling "Automatic deobfucation" in Settings MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe=Goto frame... MainFrame, property: Replace MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.replacetrace=Replace trace calls MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.switch=Debugger MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.frame.error=Invalid frame number. It must be number between %min% and %max%. MainFrame, property: contextmenu.importSwfXml=Import SWF XML MainFrame, property: error.text.invalid.continue=Invalid text: %text% on line %line%. Do you want to continue? MainFrame, property: fit=fit MainFrame, property: message.debugger=This SWF Debugger can only be used to print messages to log window, browser console or alerts. It is NOT designed for features like step code, breakpoints etc. MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.message=Enter frame number (%min% - %max%) MainFrame, property: contextmenu.exportSwfXml=Export SWF as XML MainFrame, property: contextmenu.copyTag=Copy tag to MainFrame, property: editorTruncateWarning=Text truncated at position %chars% in debug mode. MainFrame, property: contextmenu.exportJavaSource=Export Java Source ReplaceTraceDialog, property: dialog.title=Replace Trace function calls ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugConsole=debugConsole - web browser javascript console.log ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugAlert=debugAlert - web browser javascript alert ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugSocket=debugSocket - socket connection to the decompiler SearchDialog, property: label.replacementtext=Replacement text: SearchDialog, property: checkbox.replaceInParameters=Replace in parameters SearchDialog, property: dialog.title.replace=Text replace ProxyFrame, property: column.url=URL ProxyFrame, property: copy.url=Copy URL ProxyFrame, property: column.size=Size ProxyFrame, property: save file ProxyFrame, property: error.start.server=Cannot start server on port %port%. Please check if port is not blocked by other application. ProxyFrame, property: error.replace=Cannot replace data ProxyFrame, property: column.accessed=Accessed ProxyFrame, property: as... ProxyFrame, property: replace=Replace...