If you are looking for the decompiler itself, visit https://github.com/jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler
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List of issues#655 Compile error
Author: coody
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to: JPEXS
Labels: Build
State: closed
Z:\test\jpexs-decompiler-master\build_common.xml:324: The following error occurred while
executing this line:
Z:\test\jpexs-decompiler-master\libsrc\ffdec_lib\build_common.xml:134: Execute failed:
java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "git" (in directory
"Z:\源码测试\jpexs-decompiler-master\libsrc\ffdec_lib"): CreateProcess error=2, Das
System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden
at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(ProcessBuilder.java:1048)
You must have GIT commandline installed to build the decompiler.
It is written on page with source info:
Assigned: → JPEXS
State: new→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed