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#804 To preview a full game scene(s) with selected Define*Text
Author: user megalol
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Text
State: postponed Help

Is it possible? And if yes to make a switch/button between 2 preview modes (old and new ones). Actually it needs for me to avoid long text cut off where it goes behind game screen without playing a game/swf. If there are another easier ways to check this problem let me know :).
So you want a button which allwos you to see the frame with the original texts and with the new texts? Why don't you open the old file? What is the diffrence? Or you want to change the texts without reloading the frame? With internal viewer it is possible, but i think you need it for external viewer becaues you want to click on actions in the frame.
No, I just want to see full frame (as it will be when I'll run swf file in Adobe Flash Player) with changed (translated) text only to see if it feets Flash Player screen (no text cuted).
But you can view the frames when you select them in the left tree.
Can you explain how frames tab can help me with this issue? Maybe you misunderstood me? Here is screenshot showing how I think it should be.
I don't understand what you want exatly :( You wrote that you want to see the frames, you can see them.. When you update a text, it will show the new text in the frame preview.
Please forget about "frames" (maybe you misunderstood me) and read the issue name and 1st post and look at screenshot one more time. I want that preview in DefineText showed same as on screenshot.
I still don't know what you want... Can you see this image anywhere in FFDec with the original text?
Ok, lets start from beginning :). When I open any DefineText I seen in preview window only some text and nothing more. But I don't want to see just text and I want to see all game scene (as on screenshot) in SWF preview with selected DefineText.
I dont think that it is possible... for the same reason why it is not possible to set the x,y values automatically... the text can be on multiple character tags
But what about to preview all scenes with this text and navigate with buttons between them? Is it possible to make it works for some way, maybe for long text sentences (because of little chance that it will be used in multiple scenes)?
Maybe it is possilbe, but hard to implement, so I don't think that it will be implemened in the near future.
Ok, thanks anyway.
State: new→postponed