JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Issue Tracker

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Issue tracker

This is the place where all feature requests and bug reports of JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler (FFDec) are handled.

To submit new issue or issue editation, you should login first.

Quick select: unfinished, everything, new bugs, new features, opened
Quick by label: ABC addFrameScript Adding script AIR Api versioning AS1/2 AS3 AVI BinaryData Blend modes Broken JPEG Broken SWF Build Bundles BUTTONCOND Buttons Canvas export Charset Clean ABC Clipping Commandline ConcurrentModification Cyclic tags Debugger Decompilation DefineInSprite Deobfuscation Direct Editation Documentation Duplicate pack Embed EXE Export External Viewer ExternalLink FFDec source Filters Find usages FLA export Flash EOL Flash Lite Flash Viewer FlashCC FlashDevelop Flex Fonts Formatting Frames Free transform GFX GIF Google Code GUI Harman HaXe Header Icon Iggy Images Import Import scripts ImportAssets Initializers Installation IntelliJ IDEA Java Java 9 JSyntaxPane Large SWF Letter spacing Library LineEndings Linux Loader LZMA Mac Memory search Miter join Monitor Morphshapes Multiple classes Namespaces Obfuscated Old FLA formats on(xxx) P-code Packers PDF Performance Pins Progress Proxy Raw Editation Read only SWF Rename identifiers RTL Scaling strokes Scenes Script execution Scrollbars Search Search Memory Shapes Simple editor Simplify expressions Site feature SOL Sound Special Sprites Stack size Startup Support SVG SWC SwfMovie SWFTools SymbolClass Tag position Tags Tamil Text Tools Translation Unicode Unknown instructions Update system Value Too Large Video VirusTotal VS Code XML Zoom
#3 AS2 decompilation fails on these filesAS2 decompilation fails on these filesbug closed user googleCode
#5 FSCommand2 not supportedFSCommand2 not supportedfeature closed user googleCode
#32 ParseExceptionParseExceptionbug closed user googleCode
#39 AS 1/2 New MethodAS 1/2 New Methodbug closed user googleCode
#40 AS1/2 No logging + decompilationAS1/2 No logging + decompilationbug closed user googleCode
#43 Ternaty operator decompilation problemTernaty operator decompilation problembug closed user googleCode
#50 AS1/2 function body deobfuscation bugAS1/2 function body deobfuscation bugbug closed user googleCode
#51 AS1/2 decompilation defectAS1/2 decompilation defectbug closed user googleCode
#52 CP with a wrong action lengthCP with a wrong action lengthbug closed user googleCode
#64 Resolving registers for DefineFunction2 in AS 1/2Resolving registers for DefineFunction2 in AS 1/2bug closed user pepka
#73 ParseExceptionParseExceptionbug closed user wrr
#75 If ... return, Commands in while condition (comma operator)If ... return, Commands in while condition (comma operator)bug closed user pepka
#79 DoInitAction decompilation problemDoInitAction decompilation problembug closed user pepka
#94 AS2 ActionTry - register cast problemAS2 ActionTry - register cast problembug closed user pepka
#95 AS2 while(true)AS2 while(true)bug closed user pepka
#101 AS 1/2 while + increment/decrementAS 1/2 while + increment/decrementbug closed user pepka
#129 obfuscated as2 code, not refreshing decompiled after renameobfuscated as2 code, not refreshing decompiled after renamebug closed user focus
#131 FFDec can't open obfuscated swfFFDec can't open obfuscated swfbug closed user focus
#135 AS2 Decompilation errorAS2 Decompilation errorbug closed user focus
#141 AS2 Decompilation issueAS2 Decompilation issuebug closed user focus
#146 See the as2 classes (symbols) names in the structure treeSee the as2 classes (symbols) names in the structure treefeature closed user focus
#165 direct lookupswitch / alchemy not supported - hiddendirect lookupswitch / alchemy not supported - hiddenbug closed developer honfika
#172 AS1/2 checkPrecoNextParts() emptyness checks; not resolving constantsAS1/2 checkPrecoNextParts() emptyness checks; not resolving constantsbug closed user pepka
#186 AS2 Decompilation: show on-clip actions more user-friendlyAS2 Decompilation: show on-clip actions more user-friendlyfeature closed user focus
#195 AS2 Decompilation errorAS2 Decompilation errorbug closed user focus
#203 editing AS directly shows error when trying to saveediting AS directly shows error when trying to savebug closed developer honfika
#213 decompilation errorsdecompilation errorsbug closed developer honfika
#216 field orderfield orderquestion closed developer honfika
#223 AS2 Detecting uninitialized class fieldsAS2 Detecting uninitialized class fieldsbug closed user focus
#225 AS1/2 object literal does not permit quotes in namesAS1/2 object literal does not permit quotes in namesbug closed user focus
#227 gotoAndStop wrong frame indexgotoAndStop wrong frame indexbug closed user focus
#237 Parentheses in AS1/2Parentheses in AS1/2feature closed developer honfika
#238 if block contents are missingif block contents are missingbug closed developer honfika
#243 method is partially decompiledmethod is partially decompiledbug closed developer honfika
#257 Export AS2 swf to FLA: TextField export issuesExport AS2 swf to FLA: TextField export issuesbug closed user focus
#258 AS1/2 chained assignmentsAS1/2 chained assignmentsbug closed user focus
#264 "true" statements (with automatic deobfuscation, too)"true" statements (with automatic deobfuscation, too)bug closed developer honfika
#265 deobfuscation problemdeobfuscation problembug closed developer honfika
#266 decompiltion error: EmptyStackExceptiondecompiltion error: EmptyStackExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#268 "register" parameter names instead "_loc*_""register" parameter names instead "_loc*_"bug closed developer honfika
#281 Decompile .swf protected with secureSWFDecompile .swf protected with secureSWFfeature closed user megalol
#304 editing AS directly: local variable names are lostediting AS directly: local variable names are lostbug postponed developer honfika
#306 editing AS directly bugediting AS directly bugbug closed developer honfika
#327 AS1/2 disassembly error (readActionList) stops whole applicationAS1/2 disassembly error (readActionList) stops whole applicationbug closed developer honfika
#332 show exporting execution times for AS2, tooshow exporting execution times for AS2, toofeature closed developer honfika
#368 Deobfuscation: AS2 Decompilation issuesDeobfuscation: AS2 Decompilation issuesbug closed user focus
#401 DComSoft  SWF Protector 4: Error during tag readingDComSoft SWF Protector 4: Error during tag readingbug closed user focus
#403 Deobfuscation: SWF Encrypt 7.0: SEVERE nullDeobfuscation: SWF Encrypt 7.0: SEVERE nullbug closed user focus
#406 cannot save filecannot save filebug closed user ise7845
#407 _loc1_ instead of register1 ?_loc1_ instead of register1 ?question closed user ripper5555
#417 Deobfuscate: Exporting Fla ErrorDeobfuscate: Exporting Fla Errorbug closed user jenyene
#418 FFDec can't deobfuscate some tricks used in SecureSWF 4.5FFDec can't deobfuscate some tricks used in SecureSWF 4.5bug closed user focus
#424 ActionScriptParser.treeFromString generates unnecessary GetMember actionActionScriptParser.treeFromString generates unnecessary GetMember actionbug closed user l12436
#425 loadVariables is compiled incorrectlyloadVariables is compiled incorrectlybug closed user svetlana
#441 Obfuscated code, can't decompile swf fileObfuscated code, can't decompile swf filebug closed user hungpq
#473 Deobfuscation: doesn't works with lot of swf filesDeobfuscation: doesn't works with lot of swf filesbug closed user gamuti
#485 editing AS directly: unary minus signediting AS directly: unary minus signbug closed developer honfika
#507 editing AS directly: object literal problemediting AS directly: object literal problembug closed user karl
#517 AS1/2 direct editation: delete operator, etc.AS1/2 direct editation: delete operator, etc.bug closed user deleted-FjT5MDkkfQCbTmonyvIp
#518 Direct editing AS1/2: Cast operatorDirect editing AS1/2: Cast operatorbug closed developer honfika
#521 ActionScript2 decompilation problemActionScript2 decompilation problembug closed developer honfika
#523 Numerous decompilation errors for valid not obfuscated swf while exporting FLANumerous decompilation errors for valid not obfuscated swf while exporting FLAbug closed user focus
#524 Export FLA: mask layer is not applied to the child layerExport FLA: mask layer is not applied to the child layerbug closed user focus
#554 Critical bug - saving of edited AS has no effect since 2.0.0_6ab392f5ff25Critical bug - saving of edited AS has no effect since 2.0.0_6ab392f5ff25bug closed user megalol
#572 Unsupported by decompiler:Empty stack;Unsupported by decompiler:Empty stack;bug closed user Player
#631 Allow renaming parameters and locals.Allow renaming parameters and locals.feature new user Mateon1
#632 Cannot save fileCannot save filebug closed user myztikrice
#641 Updated from old version to 2.1.2 and can't decompile fileUpdated from old version to 2.1.2 and can't decompile filebug closed user misiek
#739 AS2 decompilation failsAS2 decompilation failsbug closed developer honfika
#773 scripts associated with ClipActions are not shown anymorescripts associated with ClipActions are not shown anymorebug closed user JackB
#774 Single file Action Script exportSingle file Action Script exportquestion closed user kurzedmetal
#779 AS Variable name not being lostAS Variable name not being lostfeature new user realmaster42
#786 Decompiler errorsDecompiler errorsbug closed user kurzedmetal
#811 Export ActionScript failExport ActionScript failbug closed user uragan1987
#812 decompile faildecompile failbug closed user uragan1987
#817 AS1/2 varible in expressionAS1/2 varible in expressionbug closed user Kodak
#842 Recover for loopsRecover for loopsfeature opened user henke37
#843 Recover += and friends (Compound assignments)Recover += and friends (Compound assignments)feature closed user henke37
#845 Import exported AS1/2 (DefineButton2&DefineSprite) buttonImport exported AS1/2 (DefineButton2&DefineSprite) buttonfeature closed user megalol
#868 AS exporting bug (?)AS exporting bug (?)bug closed user megalol
#878 small glitch after saving P-code or swf filesmall glitch after saving P-code or swf filebug closed user megalol
#923 Inline edit breaks code consistencyInline edit breaks code consistencybug closed user phantasm
#945 Direct editation bugDirect editation bugbug closed user myztikrice
#955 AS2 decompilation problem - IllegalArgumentExceptionAS2 decompilation problem - IllegalArgumentExceptionbug closed developer honfika
#1004 rename invalid identifiers renames "this", toorename invalid identifiers renames "this", toobug closed user uragan1987
#1005 AS2 code, first line with "§§push(false)"AS2 code, first line with "§§push(false)"bug closed user uragan1987
#1040 Probably a P-Code reading bugProbably a P-Code reading bugbug closed developer honfika
#1041 FFDec (java) package names in decompiled AS codeFFDec (java) package names in decompiled AS codebug closed developer honfika
#1161 decompile/deoobfus file faileddecompile/deoobfus file failedbug closed user uragan1987
#1183 New AS2 decompilation problems, it was wokring in version 7.1.1New AS2 decompilation problems, it was wokring in version 7.1.1bug closed developer honfika
#1192 Multiple default case in switchMultiple default case in switchbug closed developer honfika
#1277 Decompile&Edit bug - JPEXS v9.0.0Decompile&Edit bug - JPEXS v9.0.0bug closed user ultra_xerox
#1298 Issue With RecompilingIssue With Recompilingbug closed user vorta4
#1339 Unable to use targetPath functionUnable to use targetPath functionbug closed user idk
#1423 Cant edit some action scripts in this swfCant edit some action scripts in this swfbug closed user RadiatedFox
#1430 SWF File obfuscated with Leawo cannot be opened or deobfuscated.SWF File obfuscated with Leawo cannot be opened or deobfuscated.bug closed user bennh
#1431 Function Beginning being removed in Button's codeFunction Beginning being removed in Button's codequestion closed user obs1d1an
#1438 Support for editing BUTTONCOND - on(xx)Support for editing BUTTONCOND - on(xx)feature closed user noname
#1467 Direct editing of AS2 doesn't save properlyDirect editing of AS2 doesn't save properlybug closed user SomebodyOnceToldMe
#1489 Problems with negation and for each loops in the AS2 compilerProblems with negation and for each loops in the AS2 compilerbug closed user figStuff
#1490 PARENT_CLOSE EXPECTED but THIS found - Editing Cast opPARENT_CLOSE EXPECTED but THIS found - Editing Cast opbug closed user Owyn
#1493 Compile CastOp not being used problemCompile CastOp not being used problembug closed user Owyn
#1494 Compile GetURL2 not being used problemCompile GetURL2 not being used problembug closed user Owyn
#1507 "§§" symbols mess everything up"§§" symbols mess everything upbug closed user Evgen
#1541 Unknown tags XML import/export, deobfuscate whole AS1/2 fileUnknown tags XML import/export, deobfuscate whole AS1/2 filequestion closed user pongstylin
#1665 "Export selection" button is grayed out for AS2 classes"Export selection" button is grayed out for AS2 classesbug closed user idk
#1667 error on save AS scripterror on save AS scriptbug closed user x29r
#1686 Decompilation and direct editation of nested tellTargetDecompilation and direct editation of nested tellTargetbug closed user Badfitz66
#1699 Script decompilation stucks in new versionsScript decompilation stucks in new versionsbug closed user uranreactor
#1741 Cannot save AS1/2 new String(xx) callCannot save AS1/2 new String(xx) callbug closed user sombraguerrero
#1765 Quick Search for AS1/2 classesQuick Search for AS1/2 classesfeature closed user Deb
#1772 Decompiling Timeout / Stack OverflowDecompiling Timeout / Stack Overflowbug closed user Shuckle
#1785 AS2 decompilation timeout for certain try/catch blocks within loopsAS2 decompilation timeout for certain try/catch blocks within loopsbug closed user idk
#1821 multiple DoAation Tag not applied to frame correctlymultiple DoAation Tag not applied to frame correctlybug opened user aiglove
#1832 Value is too large for SI16Value is too large for SI16bug closed user ObscurosX
#1842 StackOverflowError when decompiling scriptStackOverflowError when decompiling scriptbug closed user nosamu
#1849 Large script(s) seem to cause possible overflow error when attempting to save modificationsLarge script(s) seem to cause possible overflow error when attempting to save modificationsbug closed user Badfitz66
#1904 Some SWFs won't load with a NullPointerExceptionSome SWFs won't load with a NullPointerExceptionbug closed user DoomTay
#1963 ActionScript source codeActionScript source codebug closed user deleted-TkolAyMRNBDiAfcSzYbD
#1970 Empty frames missing in decompiled fla, Auto rename identifiers not working without deobfuscationEmpty frames missing in decompiled fla, Auto rename identifiers not working without deobfuscationbug closed user Grubsic
#1980 Bug with sprite animationBug with sprite animationbug postponed user AzazelGames
#1986 (ActionScript2) "Not decompiled due to error" - message in decompilation(ActionScript2) "Not decompiled due to error" - message in decompilationbug closed user jd1337
#2071 Uncategorized classes do not present in decompiled fileUncategorized classes do not present in decompiled filequestion opened user Romano
#2127 GetURL2 loadTargetFlag and loadVariablesFlag swapped on P-code panelGetURL2 loadTargetFlag and loadVariablesFlag swapped on P-code panelbug closed user nosamu
#2183 Variable usages named "newline" get compiled into "\n"Variable usages named "newline" get compiled into "\n"bug closed user kjarosh
#2190 CURLY_CLOSE expected but COLON found on line 700CURLY_CLOSE expected but COLON found on line 700bug closed user umbra
#2205 ActionScript Linkage to sound? (AS2)ActionScript Linkage to sound? (AS2)question closed user BDslick
#2216 AS2/AS1 Methods being decompiled all in lowercase instead of camelCaseAS2/AS1 Methods being decompiled all in lowercase instead of camelCasequestion closed user Grubsic
#2234 Unnecessary extra inserted into ActionScript codeUnnecessary extra inserted into ActionScript codebug closed user Llama
#2291 AS2 direct edit renames local variables incorrectlyAS2 direct edit renames local variables incorrectlybug upgraded user dimusLV
#2295 AS2 p-code docs panel freezes the decompiler in a specific scenarioAS2 p-code docs panel freezes the decompiler in a specific scenariobug closed user dimusLV
#2297 Branching Optimization Bug When SavingBranching Optimization Bug When Savingbug closed user Thisguy248
#2299 Decompilation error: NullPointerException (null)Decompilation error: NullPointerException (null)bug closed user liquidbydesign
#2311 AS2 decompile on save freezes program in specific scenariosAS2 decompile on save freezes program in specific scenariosbug closed user WorstCC
#2321 P-code source not documentedP-code source not documentedquestion opened user U224
#2331 Add support for  Flash Lite ActionScriptAdd support for Flash Lite ActionScriptfeature upgraded user asp
#2334 Export P-code is exporting invalid codeExport P-code is exporting invalid codebug upgraded user Jishh_
#2338 ffdec hangs on swf with exceptionffdec hangs on swf with exceptionbug upgraded user Sembiance
#2341 Asset Import/Export properties are lost when exported to FLAAsset Import/Export properties are lost when exported to FLAfeature closed user PainRunner
#2382 Some ActionScript classes are missing in a SWF that's in ActionScript 2 is missing on JPEXsSome ActionScript classes are missing in a SWF that's in ActionScript 2 is missing on JPEXsquestion opened user RedFire_mrt84
#2393 P-Code BrokenP-Code Brokenbug upgraded user thenickman100
#2407 -replace command no longer working as of 21.0.0-replace command no longer working as of 21.0.0bug upgraded user Faen90
Filtered issues: 143