JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler Issue Tracker

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Issue tracker

This is the place where all feature requests and bug reports of JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler (FFDec) are handled.

To submit new issue or issue editation, you should login first.

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Quick by label: ABC addFrameScript Adding script AIR Api versioning AS1/2 AS3 AVI BinaryData Blend modes Broken JPEG Broken SWF Build Bundles BUTTONCOND Buttons Canvas export Charset Clean ABC Clipping Commandline ConcurrentModification Cyclic tags Debugger Decompilation DefineInSprite Deobfuscation Direct Editation Documentation Duplicate pack Embed EXE Export External Viewer ExternalLink FFDec source Filters Find usages FLA export Flash EOL Flash Lite Flash Viewer FlashCC FlashDevelop Flex Fonts Formatting Frames Free transform GFX GIF Google Code GUI Harman HaXe Header Icon Iggy Images Import Import scripts ImportAssets Initializers Installation IntelliJ IDEA Java Java 9 JSyntaxPane Large SWF Letter spacing Library LineEndings Linux Loader LZMA Mac Memory search Miter join Monitor Morphshapes Multiple classes Namespaces Obfuscated Old FLA formats on(xxx) P-code Packers PDF Performance Pins Progress Proxy Raw Editation Read only SWF Rename identifiers RTL Scaling strokes Scenes Script execution Scrollbars Search Search Memory Shapes Simple editor Simplify expressions Site feature SOL Sound Special Sprites Stack size Startup Support SVG SWC SwfMovie SWFTools SymbolClass Tag position Tags Tamil Text Tools Translation Unicode Unknown instructions Update system Value Too Large Video VirusTotal VS Code XML Zoom
#762 Replace P-Code from command lineReplace P-Code from command linefeature closed user 163gal
#908 "Replacing" Image/Shape and then Saving SWF will corrupt SWF."Replacing" Image/Shape and then Saving SWF will corrupt SWF.bug closed user leeuniverse
#976 Export frame with zoom by commandExport frame with zoom by commandquestion closed user anhisme
#978 Class names are case sensitive, but filenames are not, so they are overwritten sometimes during exportClass names are case sensitive, but filenames are not, so they are overwritten sometimes during exportbug closed developer honfika
#1027 pure image bytespure image bytesbug closed user PatrikNusszer
#1044 Add Offset number to exported DoAction filenamesAdd Offset number to exported DoAction filenamesfeature closed user kurzedmetal
#1051 Exporting multiple filesExporting multiple filesquestion closed user loert423
#1133 Incorrect frame order for nested spriteIncorrect frame order for nested spritebug closed user tenmin
#1138 All exported videos are the same file which may be brokenAll exported videos are the same file which may be brokenbug closed user DarkDaskin
#1153 Exported JPEG Images are invalidExported JPEG Images are invalidbug closed user MurphyRadio
#1170 Extract from Memory in Command LineExtract from Memory in Command Linefeature closed user goodffdecnameok
#1205 "-zoom" command line parameter for Frame export"-zoom" command line parameter for Frame exportfeature closed user alex
#1290 Export source to ProjectsExport source to Projectsfeature closed user solodarkban
#1347 Exported JPG images can't be openedExported JPG images can't be openedbug closed user fancool
#1348 Cannot properly export frame with cyrillic symbols to SVGCannot properly export frame with cyrillic symbols to SVGbug closed user dikelito
#1362 Export images from list of SWF files to single directoryExport images from list of SWF files to single directoryfeature closed user bochratoon12
#1400 SVG export: invalid JPEG dataSVG export: invalid JPEG databug closed user dev_zzo
#1445 Export obscuration swf fail  when class path have spaceExport obscuration swf fail when class path have spacebug closed user xf5464
#1454 Export Sprites as SWF?Export Sprites as SWF?bug closed user Dokta_Whawee
#1488 java.util.EmptyStackException when trying to export a framejava.util.EmptyStackException when trying to export a framebug closed user alexv
#1512 miter limit < 1 error when exporting a spritemiter limit < 1 error when exporting a spritebug closed user hbdfgbfdhgvcbcv
#1533 DefineSprite to Transparent PNGDefineSprite to Transparent PNGbug closed user Prozacs
#1542 using the command line to export, sound items cannot be generated.using the command line to export, sound items cannot be generated.bug closed user alexchiang
#1552 images in frame:canvas are all black, not showing correctly.images in frame:canvas are all black, not showing correctly.bug closed user nissansz
#1553 exported images could not be displayedexported images could not be displayedbug closed user nissansz
#1572 swf>svg problemswf>svg problembug closed user alefimov
#1576 image export not creating filesimage export not creating filesbug closed user Blueroses
#1581 Font export, some symbols are not correct like 。? though they can be shown correctlyFont export, some symbols are not correct like 。? though they can be shown correctlybug closed user nissansz
#1609 First frame missing when exporting frames to PDF.First frame missing when exporting frames to PDF.bug closed user Do2
#1665 "Export selection" button is grayed out for AS2 classes"Export selection" button is grayed out for AS2 classesbug closed user idk
#1735 Export multiple opened sfw at the same time.Export multiple opened sfw at the same time.bug closed user bendknee
#1839 Exporting a sprite as PNG does not generate expected resultExporting a sprite as PNG does not generate expected resultbug closed user TheIceCreamBear
#1862 I canno export from multiple filesI canno export from multiple filesbug closed user fjasdhkjha
#1931 Sprite clipped after "Calculating DefineSprite rect fix "Sprite clipped after "Calculating DefineSprite rect fix "bug closed user pim
#1934 Does not export in full size pngDoes not export in full size pngbug closed user AntiGM
#1935 SVG exported in wrong dimensions/sizeSVG exported in wrong dimensions/sizequestion closed user HSAOfficial
#2005 Exporting multiple files : naming problemExporting multiple files : naming problembug closed user rayakev8
#2011 Export frame as PNG with transparent backgroundExport frame as PNG with transparent backgroundfeature closed user JustNao
#2119 export files with their actual name instead of idexport files with their actual name instead of idfeature closed user higoka
#2215 Whether the background color of the exported frame image can be specified as a transparent colorWhether the background color of the exported frame image can be specified as a transparent colorfeature closed user lsq51201314
#2268 Unable to export code, as can't find embedded imagesUnable to export code, as can't find embedded imagesbug closed user xrtxn
#1043 PNG Images come out at lower resolutionPNG Images come out at lower resolutionbug new user SDragon
#1753 Export sprite PNG or SVG only export first frameExport sprite PNG or SVG only export first framequestion opened user maximiliano
#1996 Exported texts out of orderExported texts out of orderbug returned user auroraegold
#2334 Export P-code is exporting invalid codeExport P-code is exporting invalid codebug upgraded user Jishh_
Filtered issues: 45