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#2024 Is it possible to add class extends a parent class?

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Type: question
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State: opened 

I tried to make a class extending a parent class. But when running, it always tells me the
parent class was missing. Even though saving in the editor showed no error. Others belong
to the original SWF which extended the parent class works perfectly fine. (All of the
classes I talk about were in the same package).
I assume you are talking about AS3 SWFs.
When extending a class, you must ensure that the class you are extending is defined
earlier than it is being used as extend. Earlier means that it must reside in the same
DoABC tag or in any of preceeding DoABC tags.
When adding a new class, you are asked whether you want to create byte code in Existing
DoABC tag or a brand new DoABC tag. This is the moment where you should pay attention. If
you are adding parent class, then you need to either select "Existing DoABC tag" and
select (in the following dialog) the DoABC tag the child is in, or select "New DoABC tag"
and then add it (in the following dialog) before the tag the child is in.
If you are adding the child class, the same rules apply, just make sure parent class is in
the same existing DoABC tag add new DoABC tag later than the tag parent class is in.
By default FFDec in "Resources view" does not split displayed classes into tags they are
You need to switch to "Tag list view", either from the top panel or by right clicking
desired class and selecting "Show in Tag list". Then you see the correct tag structure.
In "Tag list view", you can move tags around by dragging, or via right click menu "Move
You need to ensure the DoABC tags containing your code are in the proper order - the
parent class precedes its child.
State: new→opened
Yes, I'm indeed talking about AS3 SWFs.
The child class is in the same DoABC Tag as the parent class and the are in the same
package as well. I found this one weird because of the fact that all orginal child classes
who extends the parent class and in the same DoABC Tag, in the same package work fine.
Only the new added class cause Error #1014. I could provide some screen shot which might
hey wait a minute, this is the same issue I'm dealing with. n2g7mutf8, this issue does not
occur in v18.0.0 and earlier. I suggest you switch to one of those versions for this.
I cannot recommend using older versions.
But for me to fix this issue, I will need better samples - including sample SWFs,
screenshots help only together with a SWF file.
I already made an issue entry for this. #2058 and #2052 to be exact
The added SWF Class was S_silencer. I understand that I probably shouldn't have made two
separate issue threads. I suggest looking at #2058 because #2052 includes another issue I
found relating to actionscript source that isn't relevant to the main issue of that