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#620 Canvas export interractivity improvement

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: Canvas export
State: postponed 

Dear devs,
There is still some issues on canvas/svg/etc... exports. When I RE frames.html, I see the
frames are showed frame by frame from start to end without any support of interractivity.
Maybe you could make a *.fla (or *.swf) to Canvas translator directly unless decoding from
internal viewer and let the user to "optimize" the result.
A kind of p-code to html code function to function.
The answer is the same as in issue #619. It is impossible. Maybe we can convert the
p-codes to some javascript, but this is not enough. All the classes which is already
implemented in flash player should be re-implemented in javascript (and in java for issue
#619). It would take a lot of time, and the implementation would be much slower than the
flash's native implementation.
Dear devs,
This is a great decompiler. I have tried quite a few sample swfs and I am quite very happy
with the outputs. Nice Work :) !!
I would like to know whether there could be a possibility to export more than just canvas
frames. I mean could we export these along with the actionscript code, making this an
actionscript project which could be compiled via Jangaroo compiler into a Javascript
application. This the link to Jangaroo project:
If thats a possibility I would like to know more about it. Also I would like to work on
that. Please let me know. I will be more than happy to contribute.
yogicxl: See the answer in #778
Personally I'd be happy if you can help us to integrate jangaroo.
State: new→postponed